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Mira bloomer Aka the Kitsune of the year.

A fox. That's what kitsune means, it originated in the Japanese regions but as times changed it could be spotted in different parts of the world.

Mira bounced off the pedal and pinned her sparring partner with her sword, she smiled so brightly her entire fox aura radiated over her.

It was a beautiful sight to behold but also ridiculously scary because it looked like a fox, on fire, was staring at you with flaming eyes.

"Mira!" Her mother's voice makes her snap her neck beside her as her smile is long gone and her fox diminishes.

And of course, she hates her mother because of her crawling mommy issues.

The sparring partner gets up and takes off his mask. "Give her a break Joan," He says and his smile returns to Mira.

"Thanks, Daddy" She smiles a little, pushing her sword into the ground. "I'm done"

Mira's mother took a sword from a guard and jumped down from the balcony, Mira swiftly evaded the attack, simultaneously pulling her sword from the ground.

"Mom what the hell?" Mira yelled at her mother whose eyes glowed golden.

"Joan" The father warned.

"Stay out of this Marcus" she shunned launching at Mira. They both had a fit of sword slashes as everyone watched in amazement.

Joanne spun around and kicked Mira, her daughter tumbled onto the ground, Joanne placed her sword over Mira's face.

"Pathetic," Joanne said distastefully.

Mira kicked the sword into the air, she rushed to grab her mother but her mother was too fast, she punched Mira across the face caught her sword, and stabbed her in the guts.

Everybody gasped.

Mira's eyes widened, and she slowly stared at the sword in her gut.

"Never let go of your sword," she said and pulled the sword out.

"Joanne, what have you done?!" Marcus rushed to Mira on her knees clutching her gut.

The wound immediately began to heal up.

Mira stared at her mother with anger and hatred. "As long as Herlz Morgan walks the earth we can never stop training Mira," she said and stormed off.


Mira groaned as she tossed her ruined top in the trash, she stopped in front of the mirror.
She raised her shirt and there was no trace of a stab wound.

It was both amazing and scary.

It didn't change the fact that her mother was a pure bitch.

She just started getting used to an aura made of fire in the shape of a fox emitting out of her whenever she felt a strong emotion.

And now the healing.

Mira wished things would go back to the way they were, her mother has always been a bit crazy as long as she can remember but it became worse when her parents took her alongside her two other siblings; Kira and Terra only females to be exact to another country, Mira was the only one that saw the Dojo.

And just like that, her entire plans of living a normal life washed down the drain.

She walked out of the Dojo that was camouflaged from the mundanes, only the supernaturals could see and touch it.

She cut her long brown hair and dyed it with streaks of red, much to the disapproval of her mother. And she kept it that way to spite her the more.

When she got to the pub, she took a breath before going in.
It wasn't a secret that other supernaturals hated Kitsune, simply because of her cunning.

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