The Day we Met

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The picture above is Lukas ^ Anyways, enjoy!!


Lukas's POV

I remember the night when it all happened... Lights, screams, sirens, tears. It was all a huge flash, something I can only remember in my nightmares. "ADRIAN!!!" I shot up out of bed to realize that that's exactly what it was, a nightmare. A nightmare I had once lived through that still haunts me in my sleep.

I have been a 2nd year (11th grade) in highschool for a few months now, for the most part it has been pretty easy... Erm- at least school has been easy. I did all my homework, studied, passed all my tests or higher, I was almost what you could call a 'perfect student'. But the unfortunate thing is that nobody is perfect. I still get stressed out from the amount of work, I still have nightly nightmares of things I want oh so badly to forget, and have no friends. None. Zero. I'm all on my own.

I got up and got dressed in my school uniform. For guys, the uniform is a white button-up collar shirt with a red, black, and white plaid tie, and a pair of black pants and some black shoes. For girls, the uniform is a red, black, and white plaid skirt and bow-tie, with a white button-up collar shirt.

Looking in my bathroom mirror, I could see my eyebags and let out a sigh. I could never tell whether they came from my lack of sleep, or the amount of tears I would cry while I sleep.

After preparing myself for my day, I remembered Emily. I had to go say goodbye to her and give her some food. I tightened the grip on my fists and slowly walked to my little sister, Emily's, bedroom. Still slightly terrified of what was on the other side. Even though I have seen the image many times before, and it wasn't even a scary one, it still made me hate myself more and more every time.

The small, shiny doorknob creaked as my trembling hand opened it to see Emily. She layed in bed facing the ceiling, the same position she's been in for the past two-and-a-half years, "E-Emily...? You okay sis? You hungry...?" her eyes moved in my direction to look at me with her pretty smile. She gave me that smile so much, but I feel that she's in more pain deep down. She never ever blamed me for what happened, but I did and our mom did.

"Good morning big brother!" Her cheerful voice rang, "No thank you, mother said that she had something special to make me for breakfast, so I'm gonna eat that instead." She lightly laughed, "Don't take it personally Lukas. I love your cooking! It's really yummy! I'll eat it tomorrow, I promise." I sadly smile, showing my gratitude of how kind she is, even after everything I've done.

I blame myself for why she is where she is right now. In bed. In this paralyzed state... Leaning over, I softly kissed her forehead and said, "You can eat my cooking, or mom's cooking, or anyone's cooking whenever you want. I'm glad as long as you're fed." We talked for a few moments before I got up to leave.

I said goodbye as I opened her bedroom door. Looking back at her, I wanted to cry, but now was not the time nor place, "I- I'm sorry Emily." I quietly muttered out before walking out of her bedroom.

For the most part the walk to school was very uneventful. Well... Besides him... Miles Parker. He's not necessarily the most popular guy at my school, but he's in 'the group' as I call it. Height wise, he looked to be the same height as me, he had blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He also had small black gages and an eyebrow peircing on his left eyebrow. He was a 3rd year (12th grade), one year older than me.

I shot him one quick glance from across the street, that was not returned to me. The boy was too focused on his friends as he danced around like an idiot and eventually fell backwards causing him and his friends to laugh. With a tiny chuckle, I stopped looking at them and continued on my way to school.

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