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Lukas's POV

As me and Miles walked home, we heard a voice behind us give Miles a... Sorta toxic sounding greeting. Before I turned around to see who it was, I looked over at Miles, who was completely frozen. His eyes were wide and his breath hitched a bit. Based on the fear in his eyes, I could tell whoever this was, was bad news.

Quickly I shot my head around to see a boy, maybe a foot taller than Miles, but definitely still a teenager. He had green eyes and scarlet red hair.

"Long time no see! So what's going on with you lately? How've ya been??? You still poppin pills like the old days?"

This surprised me. First of all, who is this guy and how the hell does he know Miles? Second of all, popping pills!?!?!

"Miles, who the hell is this guy...?" I nervously asked. Before Miles could respond, the guy waved with an 'innocent' smile, "Sup, I'm Noah. I went to middle school with little old Parker here."

Miles tightened his fists before slowly turning around to face him. "I... D-don't do that anymore..." He grumbled, clenching his teeth in anger.

"Ahh, so you got gauges now? You think it makes you cool or something?" I wanted so bad to yell at this guy to shut up, but yet I couldn't move just as much as Miles couldn't.

"N-no..." He stuttered out in almost a whisper. "Heh, you finally admit defeat? After all these years? Anyways, how are you recovering?" The guy tried to sound friendly, but you could definitely tell that he was trying his best to torment Miles.

"Recovery from what?!" Miles was beginning to get visibly angry. "Ya know, that overdose back in our 3rd year of junior high. I can't believe you fucking tried to kill yourself. We never really got to sit down and talk about why you did it." Noah paused, pretending as of he was brainstorming the situation. "Oh right, it was right after your girlfriend cheated on you right? What was her name? Sar-" "DONT SAY IT!!!" Miles out of instinct ran over and punched the dude in the face.

You could see the regret on his face right after he had done it. Fear filled his entire being as he slowly stepped away. "Pfft- you're the same as you've always been... You think you're so tough, but you're really just weak and helpless...!" "MILES!!" I screamed in fear as the guy punched Miles in the face really hard. His left eye immediately began to swell and it slightly cut his nose, making it bleed.

Tears formed in Miles's eyes and he ran away leaving me behind. "Wait Miles!! Don't leave me here with this guy!!" I yelled after him, but by now he was long gone. "Yeah like I said, useless pussy. He'll just run away from a fight like that, and even worse he'll leave his friend behind. You don't wanna hang out with him. Come on, come hang out with me and my friends." "You're a goddamn asshole!!" I screamed, also not thinking.

After being conscious of the situation, I knew that it wouldn't be smart to make physical contact with him. I was just about to run away as Miles had, but as soon as I turned around, I felt his large hand push on my back, plowing me into the sidewalk. I looked at my elbow, which was now scrapped.

"Pussies..." He mumbled before walking away. I opened up my bag (I bought it at the festival before Miles found me) to see that the goldfish was alright. After that I ran home as fast as I could.

The top of my head hurt pretty bad, I must've hit it during my fall. As soon as I got home I went upstairs to go to bed. By now I finally had time to actually think about what the hell had just happened.

Miles... did drugs? What kind of drugs? He tried to commit suicide?! Who helped him, he lives alone!? He used to be weak? Who was has girlfriend? What the hell happened??

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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