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Just wanted to let you know that lots of this story will be in Lukas's POV, but I'll try to slip in Miles' POV on occasions. Also the picture above is Miles' cute doggo, Rex. Anyways, on with the story!


Lukas's POV

Late! Late! Late!!! I'm so freaking late for school! I slept in this morning and unexpectedly didn't hear my alarm go off! Me, Lukas Anderson, the kid that either gets woken up by the alarm, before the alarm, or in the middle of the night, slept in.

I slept in, with no nightmares. I wanted to just go back to sleep and die! Well, not literally die, but just... Never wake up.

I threw on my uniform sloppily, it kinda looked like the way Miles normally dresses. "BYE EMILY I'LL SEE YA LATER!" I screamed across the house while running out the door, hoping that my sister had heard me.

I started to run off my porch when I almost tripped on Miles' foot. He slept while resting his body on his guitar, hugging it as if it was a teddy bear...snoring. He snored. Not very loud, but pretty noticable. He literally sat there all night.

'Fucking Weirdo'

"Miles!" I yelled nervously, more concerned about us being late than him sleeping next to my house.

The boy's snoring was cut off and he woke up with a startled jump, "H-huh...?" "We're late!!" I scream.

Out of nowhere, Miles was up like he was ready to run a marathon. He threw his guitar in the case, put the case on his back, and we both ran for it. Side by side, we panicked. "What time is it?!" I looked down at my watch, my arm slightly trembling, "9:17!" "Shit!!" He cursed. "I know!!"

We both ran like our lives depended on it but then Miles spoke up, "Wait! I just remembered something!" He still ran as if nothing had changed.

"What is it?" He paused, still running, before huffing out, "I got suspended." He continued running, but I stopped dead in my tracks confused.

Once Miles noticed I wasn't next to him he stopped as well, turning around to look at me, also confused, "Why'd ya stop runnin'?" "Why are you running???" I shot back at him.

The taller boy shrugged at me, "I dunno, I guess to have fun running, and so you're not lonely on the way to school."

'This idiot got suspended, but he still started running to school with me as if he's late for something'

With a laugh, I started walking. I mean... It's not like I have a habit of being late like some people, so I don't think the teachers will be too mad. "Why aren't you running?" He began walking next to me once again.

With a shrug I rolled my eyes, "Well, it's not like I'm always late like some people I know...!" I exaggerated the last bit of the sentence and Miles rolled his eyes sarcastically, making 'blah, blah, blah' motions with his hand.

"And if I'm late enough to be there 3rd period I'll be in Mr.Hindsen's class and he won't be upset." Miles gave me the 'true.' smile and shrugged as well.

While stuffing his hands in his pockets, we silently walked. "So... I know you kinda hate me, but do you maybe wanna come over to my house after school? I probably could've asked you this ahead of time before I decided to force my music on not only you, but the entire school..." He chuckled and awkwardly scratched his neck.

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