The WORST Time and Place

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Lukas's POV

The next morning I woke up on Miles Parker's stiff wooden floor, laying with my head on a pillow and a soft dark-red blanket over top of me.

After standing up and grabbing my stuff, I looked over to see that Miles layed on his bed with Rex laying ontop of him like a person. I noticed the time and was going to wake up Miles, since it was about the right time to get up for school, but then remembered that Miles was suspended for ear-raping the entire school.

Without saying anything, I patted Rex's head and walked out and on my way to school, locking the door behind me.

As I walked I looked across the street to see Miles's normal friend group walking in the same place as usual.

Izzy was still talking to that same guy in a weird way. While she talked, she swirled her hair around her finger and he constantly puffed his chest out.

'Ugh, relationships are so stupid. They all just end the same way...'

'In pain.'

As I walked to school, I tried my best not to creepily watch the other group.

A mini debate was going on in my head on whether or not I should tell Miles that his girlfriend is kinda... Flirting with one of his friends. In the end I decided not to, since I'm not the type to get involved with drama, and that's the type of thing that starts drama so... No. Just no.

Thankfully I got to school on time and all was well.

It might be rude to say this, but I was kinda... Happy that Miles got suspended. I could finally just live my life like normal for a few days, without some annoying chatterbox chasing me around like a lost puppy.

When I got to class I sat down and took out my notes. Looking up and around the room, I couldn't help but notice a girl in my class staring at me. Her name was one I couldn't remember, but she had dark red eyes, hot pink hair that was always kept up in a ponytail, and big black glasses.

After she noticed that I noticed her staring, she quickly looked away as if it didn't happen.

With a shrug I forgot about it as well and continued to listen to our class lesson.

Lunch rolled around soon enough and I sat down at my usual spot to eat. My lunch was a yummy baloney sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and onion. Not gonna lie, I absolutely love sandwiches. Any kind you name, I'll eat it.

I finished my sandwich and sat around, looking for something interesting to do. Eventually I saw Izzy walking towards my table, and she didn't look to be in the best mood. So as quickly as I could, I grabbed my stuff and left.

I walked up to the library to play video games on the computer like normal. All the seats were taken except for the one in the dark corner next to the door.

Sitting down I put on the headphones and began playing Mortal Kombat on he computer. My favorite character was Noob, so I played as him. His power was really cool as well as his outfit. I decided to go on the tower mode and put it on hard, just for a challenge.

First I ended up going against Johnny Cage, he was a pretty cool character, but his attitude was kinda annoying. Similar to other people I know-

I beat him, no problem, it was only the first round. The rounds got harder and harder, and I did lose one or two times, but eventually I got to the top and had to fight Shao Kahn. The fight was a hard one, but I was so focused and into it, so I couldn't give up now.

Luckily for me, Shao Kahn is a really cocky character, so he'll stop to laugh and shit in the middle of a fight, so I took that opportunity to give him one last uppercut, beating him on the first try.

-Forgetting You- Original BL StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя