F*cking Hate Him

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The picture above is Emily ^


Miles's POV

In class I sat next to Izabella. She seemed to be angered that I didn't walk her to school today. It slightly confused me, because it's not like she was in any danger. She still walked with all my buddies, if anything were to go wrong they could've protected her.

My morning sucked. I woke up soaked, still sitting on the bench from the night before. If anyone was in danger it was me! Who knows what creeps lurk the streets at night!

I had to run home, change my clothes, run to school and go to class extremely late. Did I mention that I now have a cold?!

Anyways, during lunch, I was in the music room as always, after getting in a mini 'arguement' with Lukas. When I walked out, there he was, next to the door sleeping.

He looked as if it was the first time he had slept in days, it almost made me feel bad for waking him up. But technically by then the bell had rang so I had to wake him up.

After waking him up, we both walked to class. He seemed to be embarrassed and annoyed. Now I sat next to an angry Izzabella as I listened to the teacher bombard us with stupid facts. I glanced over at Izzabella and she glanced back. I hated it when she got mad at me so I sent her a charming smile, in attempt to make her forgive me. (Not that I really did anything wrong) As expected, she gave me a "hmph!" Before turning her head away.

Damn she can act just like a child sometimes! Even though I showed Izzabella that I was angered by her actions, she honestly made me sad inside. I love Izzy. I really do. She made me so happy, but now... She's different. Is this what puberty does to girls?! I thought as I sadly looked over at my girlfriend's silky black hair.

Once class was over I stood up and walked up to her, "H-Hey Izzy...! You ready to walk home...?" With a huge attitude, she turned and walked out, not even looking at me...

'No Miles! Not today, you're not gonna cry! You're not weak! You're fine!' I wiped my eyes and held my head high before walking out, putting a smile back on my face.

Going to my locker, I was soon surrounded by people. They're all my friends of course, so I enjoyed the company. "And then the dude shwivled through my house like a ninja, I remember my dad was home that night, and he screamed like a little girl! It was the most hilarious thing I'd ever witnessed!" I laughed, telling a story to my friends.

Once I was done going to my locker, me and my friends headed back home. James, one of my friends, was talking to me as we walked, but soon something else caught my eye, getting all my attention. Or, areast someone. "Heya, that's pretty sick-a-roo James, but I gotta scurrie! I'll see y'all dumorrow!" Waving, I ran towards the person who had gotten my attention, Lukas.

"Hey bro!! Wait up for me!" He didn't turn back to look at me, but he did start to walk faster.

Once I had caught up to him, he was power walking as I walked behind him trying to catch up, "Hey bro!" "Go away." He bluntly responded. "Ah come-on, don't be like that!"... No response. "Hey, it's pretty coincidental, I walk home this way too!" No response. "We should go hang out! Let's get cheeseburgers! I'll pay!" "You can't ever take a hint can you?" He sounded highly annoyed by me.

Like the moron I am, I chuckled and proudly stated, "Nope!" A long, deep sigh escaped his lips.

I continued to walk behind him, it was silent for a moment. Just as I was about to open my mouth again, he cut me off, "Why the hell are you still following me?" with a smirk, I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "I told-ya, I walk home this way too." The boy half turned his head towards me, he looked really... What's the word... exauhsted. "No you don't. You always walk on that side of the street with all your stupid friends." He pointed to the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street.

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