. CHAPTER 15 .

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I woke up in a cold sweat and found myself face to face with a horrendous looking creature, memories of what just happened flooded back.
I jumped to my feet and ran to the door.
I heaved the door once more and thankfully it swooshed open. I sprinted out without thinking twice and ran downstairs. I didn't dare to turn around, instead I aimed straight towards the main door.

Once I had reached the door, I pulled it, but it did not open.
I pulled it again but had no luck.

Suddenly I realised what I had to do.
This thing that was chasing me represented something. I swallowed hard and turned around.
There, less than a few feet away from me was the creature.
The mere sight of it scared me.
"What do you want?" I yelled.

It stared at me, a malevolent grin spreading across its face.
"I want the most dangerous thing of all"

I was confused.
"I... I don't know what you mean"

"I want the truth."

I swallowed hard. The truth? my wounds had just finished healing, how could I open them again? The Truth was a dangerous thing.
"T.The truth about w..what?"

"About what really happened that day."

I sighed. It was time. It was finally time to tell; to speak the truth.
"I...I was young. Probably like 9 or 10.
My erm... dad died and.. my mum just snapped. She couldn't handle the pressure and she took everything out on me. I... I thought that I didn't love her, I kept trying to convince myself that I didn't, but deep down I knew that I did."

The creature stared at me, clearly interested. It gestured for me to continue.

"Well I.. I erm was finding it hard to cope and."


"And I tried to end it all, but I always failed... I guess something else was planned for me. ok.. so my mum eventually started going crazy.
People told me she was possessed.!
Of course I never believed them but deep down I wanted it to be true."

"You wanted your mother to be possessed?"

"Well if she was possessed it would have meant that she had never hurt me on purpose, that she had no control-."
I sniffled, holding back the tears.

"So as I was s..saying. The doctor told us that she was suffering from a psychological disease and she wasn't going to last for long and well even though I hated her..."
"I felt sad. but I wanted all the pain to go away and I... I secretly wished she was dead. and it's my fault... it's my fault she went crazy. its my fault she died!"

The creature looked at me, a stunned and upset look on its face.

I blinked in surprise and when I opened my eyes words could not
Describe how shocked I was.
There standing in front of me was my mother.


"Alison! Alison I'm sorry" she sobbed, her hazel hair cascading her face.


"I was a terrible excuse of a mother. I'm sorry I'm so sorry, but you need to let me go darling. you need to live your life."

Tears flowed from my face, I ran towards her, wanting only one thing.

It felt just like old times, before all the pain and the hatred and the hurt. I wrapped my arms around her embracing us both in a bitter sweet hug.

"It's time to let me go"

I opened my eyes and she was gone.
I cried even more, instantly missing her presence.
I gulped and slowly walked towards the door.
I felt different. It felt as if a boulder had just been lifted from my fragile shoulders.
I heaved the door open and was greeted by a huge blast of warm summer air

It was time to let go.

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