Chapter 4

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Colson p.o.v
I have been talking to Rook and Carly all day. Carly has been really quiet and not her self. I feel as if i did something to Carly piss her off. "Hey Carly can i talk to you real quick please?" Colson asked. "Yeah just let me go do something quick." "Alright." "Colson what did you do bitch?" Rook asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean you asked her to talk alone so that means you did something most of the time so what did you do?" "Rook I don't know what I did to her." "What do you mean you don't know what you did to her?" "I mean what did I do to her?" "I don't know." "Colson you ready to talk." "Yeah come on." "So what did you want to talk about?" "I want to know why your nit being yourself around me?" "Colson you were being a bitch the first day on the bus so I was just trying to be less loud and not as obnoxious." "Carly be yourself you shouldn't have to be a different person on tour." "Yeah well its not that easy when your around new people Colson." "You know me, Rook, and Slim." "Colson I don't know them that well." "You grew up with me and Slim." "Yeah I grew up with you not Slim as much." "Carly you went to highschool with Rook. "Colson I may have went to highschool with Rook but that don't mean we hungout together." "Carly Im so sorry I just want you to feel comfortable with my boys cause now your family." "Yeah I know Rook told me." "See you get along with Rook." "I also get along with Slim, Dub, Ash, Mod, Dre, and Pops, and Baze." "Damn I thought you were only friends with Rook and I." "Ha you don't know me as well as you thought." "Well im going to go hangout with Rook." Colson said. "So how did it go?" Rook asked. "It went well but i dint know her as well as I thought though. "She is full of suprises." "She is but its really adorable." Rook said.

Rook p.o.v
Colson wants to talk to Carly alone and we all know he did something. "Colson what did you do bitch?" Rook asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean you want to talk to her alone so you did something so what did you do." "Rook I don't know what I did to her." "What do you mean you don't know what you did to her?" "I mean I don't know what I did to her." "Colson you ready to talk?" "Yeah come on." With that they walked out of the bus. "What you doing bitch?" Slim asked. "Waiting for Colsons stupid ass." "What his stupid ass doing?" "Talking to Carly cause he did some stupid shit that he won't tell anyone." "That's what he does." "Yeah I know that ." Then I heard Carly yelling. "Colson I may have went to highschool with Rook but that don't mean we hungout together." Carly yelled. "Damn the girl has a temper." Slim said. "Well imma go find Dub." "Ight." After slim left to find Dub they came back. "So how did it go?" "It went well but I don't know her as well as I thought though. "Dude your not gonna know everything about her right now its been ten years." "Yeah I know Rook."

Carly p.o.v
It's been like an hour since I last talked to Colson. "CARLY COME HERE"!! Rook yelled. "COMING"!! "What do you want Rook?" "I want to ask you something." "What Jp?" "What were you talking about when you said we may have went to school together?" "Rook we went to school together I was just a grade ahead of you." "Also we never hungout." "Oh well Carly why didn't you say anything to me then?" "Well for one I was popular and also a grade ahead of you." "Oh so why didn't I ever hear about you then?" "Well you should have but I was one of the nice popular people I was also the head cheerleader." "Oh so you only dated the football players?" "Kinda why are you asking so many questions Rook?" "Because I want to know more about you." "Oh well imma go find Slim, Dub, and Dre." "Ok bye bitch." Rook said."Bye hoe." Carly said. After a hour of looking for Slim I found Colson. "Hey Carl." "Hey Giraffe." "What you doing Carl." "Well giraffe I was looking for Slim but couldn't find him." "He went out about two hours ago." "Are you fucking serious?" "Yeah I am." "Imma murder him when he gets back." "Oh Carl you won't do that." "Whatever." "Im going to call Casie." "Well im going to call Sam1." "Whose sam?" "Sam is my son." "I thought you had a daughter?" "Colson I have two children." "What are there names?" "My daughter is Katie and my son Samuel." "What happened to your son?" "He lives with my dad." "Why does he live with your dad?" "He was the result of a rape when I was fifteen." "How old is he now?" "He is 10 now." "Oh im so sorry but i have to go call Casie." "Ok."

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