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Well, Long story short, I met Steven after we moved to beach city.

After the first few months we started developing feelings for each other.

When we confessed to each other, we started going out,

Then about 2 years later he is 16 while I am 15.

Right now I'm with Connie, talking to her before she goes to space camp, while Steven is with the diamonds doing God knows what.

Steven's POV

"How's it going everybody! I know what all of you must be thinking of me as the new pink diamond, but you don't have to put me on a throne. I already have a rightful place, and it's on earth.

It's a beach house, where I live with my friends, garnet, amethyst, and pearl. As much as I love dismantling the empire and saving all of your planets, I can't wait to get home and spend some quality time with my friends."

White diamond is shocked, she looks over to blue and yellow's pearl and says "Cut the feed!"

Yellow pearl rolls her eyes and goes "your time was up anyway." While blue pearl giggles, And shuts down the feed.

Steven turns to the other diamonds and goes "I think that went pretty well."

White diamond doesn't have the same thoughts "Steven, please."

Yellow and blue join's White
"You can't go!"
"You must stay"

White then repeats "your all we have left of pink." She then Kneel's down toward Steven, while beginning to talk again.

"Steven, you belong here with us,"

Steven continues to try to talk himself out of this.
"Uh, thanks but no thanks." He takes a few steps back.

The diamonds starts singing
"Come live with us in the palace, there's a room waiting for you,
Come on,
Come on,
Come on,
Just Let us adore you."

Steven keep's waking backwards to get to the warp pad but still tries to be nice, "wow, you guys have gotten better at showing affection, but I've got my own life to get back too,

Don't forget I'm not pink diamond!"

White slam's her hand on the ground, shaking Steven a bit.

The diamonds keep singing,
"Yes, we know that your not her, but you were her." Steven chuckles nervously.

"You knew what it meant to love her, but you remind us so much of her."

Steven had enough, "thanks, but I really got to go."

Before he warped, the diamonds surround him, "But Steven,"

Yellow began's "but I disbanded my armies, I liberated my colonies,"

Blue begins "I never shatter, I never make anyone cry,"

Then white starts again, "I've been saying please and thank you to even lower life forms!"

Steven crosses his arms and goes, "What did we talk about."

White rolls her eyes and says, "equal life forms, Steven we've done everything you've asked."

Steven giggles, "Great, keep it up, Bye!" He warps back to earth.

3rd POV
Y/N and Connie we're talking until they heard the sound of the warp pad activate.

Steven appears once the light of the warp disappeared.

Y/N and Connie yell, "Steven!"

They got up to walk over to Steven while he hopped off of the pad.

Connie goes, "What took you so long?" As he hugged Y/N first then Connie.

Steven sighs and begins to tell them about the diamonds.

"They really want me to move in."

Connie shrugs her shoulders, "why?"

"Because they want to smother me with attention 24/7,"

Both Connie and Y/N giggle, while Steven blushed at Y/N's giggle.

Connie started walking away, "sounds fun."

Steven comes back to reality to say, "no it doesn't."

Connie walks to the door pad while saying, "well, I'm glad I got to see you before heading out."

Steven looks over "your really going through with it?"

Connie, Y/N and Steven walk down the stairs talking, "of course, I've always wanted to go to space camp."

Steven complains, "but you've literally been to space, multiple times, and you've done way cooler stuff than just camp there."

"My parents are doing what they can to support my interests, it's sweet."

They all go inside the beach house.

"Plus I get all the freeze dry ice cream I could eat!"

Steven says "but Sadie killer and the suspects are playing tonight, isn't a rock show a little better than space camp,"

Connie puts her hand toward her mouth, deciding which one was better.

"It's maybe equal to space camp."
Steven and Y/N giggle until connie's phone starts to ring.

"That's my mom, I should get going," Connie and Steven go for a hug.

Connie lets go and yells bye as she goes down the stairs.

They yell bye as soon as Connie left.

Steven looks over at Y/N and does a smirk, they look over at him, and gets confused but once they realized what he was going to do, it was already too late.

He grabbed their waist, carried them and slammed them onto his bed, he got on top of them and starts kissing their neck.

Y/N starts moaning quietly.

Steven starts to put his hand up their shirt.

Y/N gasps at how cold his hands we're.

Y/N pushed him off of her/Him, and started running towards outside.

Steven chases after them.

Until they meet outside.

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