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It's been four years since I've been reincarnated and so far it's been

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It's been four years since I've been reincarnated and so far it's been...interesting?

I still have no idea what dimension I am in or what timeline, all I know is that the family I've been dropped into is... lively, to put it nicely.




See? Lively.

I watched in amusement as papa chased my twin around the backyard. My father, Jaeyoun, was a rather intense person who was tasked with watching Sakura and me while mama and my elder sisters went shopping.

You see Papa thought it'll be a good idea to bond with Sakura and me before he left to go back his month-long shift at work. Since he only saw us once every three months he wanted to spend as much time as possible with us.

At first, it was watching movies together, which I was enjoying. However, papa and Sakura being the intense and energetic beings they were decided to go outside and play tag.

I played with them for a solid thirty minutes before growing tired and taking a rest on the porch, as I was in the shade sipping grape juice I watched as they continued to play.

Up until the point where Sakura managed to surprise the two of us by grabbing a squirrel by the tail and showing us.

I bit back my laughs as the black-haired man chased the smaller brown haired girl around as she laughed loudly.

"Haru! Look at Toni, she's now our family pet!" My win called out to me, raising the confused squirrel so I can see it.

Clapping my hands in pure joy, I continued to watch as papa flopped around the yard, yelling for her to put the wild animal down before she catches something.

Right when our father was about to catch her and my stomach began to ache from laughter, a mellow voice cut in, "Ah, you all sure are lively this afternoon huh?" All sources of movement froze as the three of us looked back at mama, who was smiling way bigger than normal. A small hand stroking her swollen belly while Jinsoo-nee and Rai-nee stood behind her.

"An! Uh, you see we were playing tag when Sakura grabbed a squirrel out of the tree-- wait she wasn't IN the tree the squirrel was climbing the bark and she grabbed it." Papa stuttered out, sweat dripping down his face.

You see, the power dynamics in this house were different from my previous home. Before My father was the head alpha, all decisions and such went through him rather than my mother, only went father was away did we have mother make any decisions for us. However, in this family, it was the opposite. Even when Papa was home, Mama was the person we had to answer to. She keeps this family in order, but she wasn't strict nor was it overbearing she was kind and gentle with us, this makes her anger even more terrifying when we see it. (A/N: I will be referring to his previous parents as Mother and Father, and his current parents as Mama and Papa or mom and dad to prevent confusion.)

Speaking of my previous life, I was hesitant about my new parents at first. As a baby I tried to keep my crying to the bare minimum, only doing so when it was necessary, which was rare. This married mama and papa to the point they had taken me to the hospital several times in fear something was wrong. I recall the doctors telling them I was perfectly healthy, and just a quiet baby. They kept me on the same schedule as Sakura so I was never hungry or left with a wet diaper --Which I had learned to suck up my pride to use-- so I found no reason to cry.

Over the past few years, I had noticed how different my new parents are compared to my former. They were much more caring and open.

Whenever Rai or Jinsoo got a high grade in school Mama would take the whole family to this dinner to celebrate, unlike in my previous home where my brother and I only received a smile and a good job. Whenever Rai was in a school play, Papa would drop everything at work just to show up and give her flowers and a big kiss on the cheek, whilst previously I would be met with empty seats in my parents' reserved spots. That was before my brother had even passed away.

"Haru, I'm not mad at you, why are you crying?" Mama's soft voice broke me out of my thoughts, gentle arms pulled me into a hug. Sniffling, I hadn't even noticed I was crying.

That's another difference before it was rare for me to cry yet now it was common when I felt overwhelmed, which was often. Maybe it's because I was now a toddler and we cry over everything.

Wiping my eyes, I came up with an excuse to prevent them from worrying, "I know, I just don't like it when you are angry. I prefer mama's smiling face over the frowning one." I wasn't completely a lie, that wasn't why I was crying but the statement was true.

Her worried gaze brightened as a huge smile graced her youthful face. "Aw, my son is just the sweetest! Isn't he adorable Jun?"

Papa walked over, sparkles also his eyes as he wrapped both of us in a hug, "He truly is! He's nothing like his sister who always teases me."

Right as he said that a small foot kicked him in the chest causing him to flop back dramatically, I and mama looked over to find Jinsoo glaring down at our father in disgust, "Ya old man, keep yer slimy hands off my baby brother."

I looked back at papa humped up and glared down at the black-haired girl, "Yer brat? Learn some manners would ya?!" I let out a small giggle as papa's accent slipped out.

Jinsoo and Papa seemed to be the only two with accents in this family which I found odd, I once asked about it but they didn't understand what I meant. Mama said it's because they have the same delinquent mindsets, which was obvious to see. The two were so much alike in both looks in personality it was scary sometimes, due to this they would argue with each other whenever they could.

Which they were doing right now, Mama and I just watched as the two argued, the pregnant lady didn't interfere with their "Bonding" until the two pulled out weapons fully prepared to fight.

I sweatdropped as Papa pulled out a bamboo sword while the seven-year-old pulled out some plastic nunchucks which although where fake grew deadly in her hands.

I looked away from the two when Mama walked over and instead opt to find my twin. Looking around the yard I saw Rai and Sakura sitting with their backs to the group.

Silently I walked over only to see my town holding down a terrified squirrel as the nine-year-old tied to take its measurements while hissing at it to stay still so she can make it pretty.

Sighing, I walked back into the house to get me another grape juice.

Quite lively indeed. 


This chapter is more to introduce the chapter personalities rather than a description of Haruka's early life. It's still pretty cannon but since it's also a filter that's why Haru is OOC. 


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