1.Welcome Home

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"I don't know why after 30 years you'd want to go back to boring-ass Purgatory. What's even there to go back to?" Rosita trekked through the apartment she shared with her best friend Nicole with clothes draped over her arm.
She asked her questions she knew she wasn't going to get a straight answer to just yet.
They've known each other for nearly twenty years now. The outgoing Latina kept Nicole on her toes and was one of the few people who made her feel like she could truly be herself. With Rosita, she didn't have to hide any side of herself.

"We've been here long enough and I need a change." Nicole rolled her suitcase to the front door.

"I don't see how going back to a place from your past is a change Chica, but I'm your ride or die so where ever you go I go. So, we'll leave at sundown?"
Rosita put the last few articles of clothing she wished to take with her in her suitcase and stacked it on the other two that were already at the door. She turned around, standing up straight looking up at her tall companion who stood beside her.

"That's why I love you, Rosie." Nicole glanced down and saw Rosita had two more bags than she did. "Do you really need to bring that much shit?"

"A girl needs options. After all these years you should know me by now." Rosita grinned. She spun on her heels and sashayed down the darkened hallway in her short pajama shorts." Nicole shook her head and rolled her eyes. Her dimples showing prominently in her cheeks.

In the small town of Purgatory, young Waverly was just getting out of her last class of the day from Purgatory University. Always in a good mood with her sunny disposition, the petite brown-haired girl held on to her book bag straps as she walked down the street to start her shift at Holliday's.
She'd usually drive, but it was only a half-mile away and it was such a nice day. So, she decided to walk.

No matter the room Waverly seemed to illuminate it with her presence.
When she walked into the bar it was like Cheers, just about everyone knew her name. The patrons smiled and nodded at her when she entered. Some of the guys who already had a few beers in their systems shouted, "Waverly!" while lifting their mugs to her.

"Hey, guys!" Wavery responded as she went into a room in the back of the bar. She put her hair in a pony and change into her Holliday's t-shirt, pinning her name tag on to it.
Waverly pulled out her phone and opened her texts to see her sister Wynonna still hasn't responded to any of her messages.

"Happy Birthday Nonna" Waverly whispered to herself.  She sighed and shoved the phone into her pocket before heading behind the bar to find her boss, Doc Holliday.

"Well, Hello there Miss Waverly" Doc stood up straight from leaning on the bar. He checked his watch. "Fifteen minutes early as usual. May I say you are my favorite employee?" He spoke with a southern drawl.

"And you're my favorite boss." Waverly smiled. "Where do want me? Behind the bar or waiting tables today?"

"Well since we are not that busy on this weekday afternoon, I will let you decide small fry." Doc waited for a response and Waverly grinned and just started taking drink orders from behind the bar. Doc tipped his hat and left her to it.

Waverly continued to smile, mix drinks, and fill beers from the tap even though she couldn't stop thinking of her older sibling. It's been three years since she's been back home, but it's not like Wynonna to not call or text her baby sister at least once a day. She didn't even call to thank her for the present she sent. A new motorcycle helmet which was pretty expensive.

Every since Waverly was a little girl she had an incredible intuition. She could feel when things were a bit off and felt it since the moment she had woken up. Wynonna not responding was not easing her mind, but working at Holliday's made time seem to pass a bit faster in between phone checks.

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