8. What A Woman

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"Dude, I can't work with cops. I hate cops." Dolls and Wynonna sat at a two-person bar table in the back corner of Pussy Willows. Wynnona winced as she knocked back a double shot that burned a little as it flowed down her esophagus.
"No offense, but yeah." She shrugged once she caught the slightly offended features on the man's face sitting in front of her.

"I get that. Growing up, I hated the people in blue too, but I decided to join them and make some changes for the better from within." Dolls sipped his beer and looked around the bar noticing there were only women. He raised a brow when he answered his internal question.

"Say that I do join forces with you, what do I get out of it?" Wynonna inquired after hearing how sincere the agent was.

"A steady paycheck, backup whenever you need, and a guarantee your hometown won't be wiped off the face of the earth."

"Excuse Me!?" Wynonna raised her voice, "What's that about my hometown?"

Dolls pulled out a picture that looked like it was taken from a bird's eye view and pushed it to Wynonna on the table, "This was a town called Brickston in Arizona. Small, only about five miles in each direction. They had a V- human-hybrid infestation in 2010. Special forces division couldn't keep it under control. There were too many unsolved murders, so they faked a nuclear plant explosion. Only could evacuate 600 out of 5,000 plus people."

Wynonna stared at the two massive craters in the picture. "Holy shit!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"Exactly, so if you don't want that to happen to your precious Purgatory, we need to help each other out. I couldn't stand to see any more people lose their lives being unfortunate casualties."

"I wouldn't call this place precious, but...Fuck!" Wynonna sighed, "Okay, I'm in." She rolled her eyes followed by a reluctant sigh.

"That's what I like to hear, Earp" Dolls stood and slid her a piece of paper with an address on it. "Meet me here, Tuesday, eight am sharp, and sober" Dolls tapped his large finger on the paper, and Wynonna rolled her eyes once again before he strolled out of the bar sneaking short glances at the barely dressed women passed on the way out.
"There had better be donuts and coffee if he expects me to be up that friggin early," she grumbled.

When Rosita returned home, she decided not to wake Nicole. She knew her roommate had to get up in a few hours for her first day of class at the university, so she let her sleep.

The Latina decided to get her daily beauty rest because, without it, her kind could still wind up looking literally like the living dead. She'll tell Nicole what she'd witnessed when they saw each other that evening.


The next morning Waverly awoke a few hours earlier to proofread her paper and print it out. She put it in a transparent folder and set it on her desk with a proud smirk of accomplishment.

She then went to her closet to pick out something to wear. In the back of her mind, she knew there was a possibility of running into Nicole at school today. She decided to dress to impress even though she was in denial as to why. She pulled out a blue skirt that stopped two inches above the knee, a floral blue and coral shirt that showed a peek of her abdomen, and topped it with a form-fitted blazer.

She picked up her backpack and slid her books and paper inside before heading out of her room. She peeked into her older sister's bedroom and saw somebody lying next to Wynonna.
Her eyes are wide with surprise, then a smirk.
It kind of reminded her of when they were younger and Wynonna would sneak her conquest into the house.
She quickly closed the door as silently as she could. Then she laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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