6. Where we came from

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Waverly had gotten back to the homestead after spending the day with her mysterious new friend. When she walked in, she found her sister sitting on the couch with an old, worn, leather-backed book. Files were scattered across the coffee table, and Wynonna looked so strange, concentrating on books in front of her. A task Waverly can't remember her older sister doing growing up.

"Uh, Wynonna, What are you doing?" Waverly couldn't believe her eyes. Was her sister studying their family's history and legacy?
Something she had never seemed to show any interest in before.

"I'm trying to figure this "chosen one" shit out since you were probably out with that bird brain boyfriend of yours all day" Wynonna picked up the gun sitting next to her on the couch. "This was, by the way, custom-made for our great-great-grandfather Wyatt Earp. It was cursed by a witch to bring people back from the dead after he killed her two sons who went on a rape and killing spree." Wynonna said, waving the gun, fascinated by all of her research.

Wynonna wasn't the next in line, so she never cared to learn about the job of the chosen one. Her dad spent most of his time teaching and training her older sister Willa before she was taken. After that, Wynonna had no interest in any of it, especially when she was committed after trying to tell the tale of that night to the police. They thought she had a psychotic break.
They thought that her mind made up the story of vampires with red eyes as a kid because she couldn't except people could be so evil.

"I know Wynonna, and then he nicked and named it Peacemaker when a coven of good witches reversed the curse on the gun so now all that had risen after death by the cursed gun will now meet their true death by the gun," Waverly continued.

"Or a good beheading by that shiny scythe." Only Wynonna could chuckle at such a violent act. 

"Yeah, I've studied this stuff for years. Why do you care so much about it all of a sudden? The other night you didn't want anything to do with the curse or being chosen." Waverly asked. Her sister stopped smiling and sported a more serious look.

"I don't know. I guess when I picked up this gun and killed that vamp, it finally felt like I had a purpose. Like this is what I'm supposed to do." Wynonna said with feeling, and her younger sister looked at her with pure pride in her eyes.

"Good." Waverly smiled. "By the way, I dumped Champ today," Waverly said nonchalantly before sinking into the couch right next to Wynonna.

"No, shit!" Wynonna shoved her shoulder playfully. The brunette stood and walked toward the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"To get us a drink." Wynonna came back in with a bottle of whiskey, unscrewing the top.

"To Earps, for finally making good choices!" She knocked back the bottle taking a huge gulp and winced as the liquid streamed down her throat and burned her chest.

She passed the bottle to Waverly, "To Earps!" She took a small sip to appease her sister and gave the bottle back. She wasn't in the mood to get wasted tonight.

"That's all you want?" The eldest of the two questioned and shrugged, tipping the bottle back on her lips before she'd gotten a verbal response. "More for me."
Wynonna fell into the couch and kicked her boot-covered feet up on the arm.

"Off the couch," Waverly swatted her sister's feet down before heading into the kitchen.

"Bleh!" Wynonna made a childish noise to immature challenge her baby sister.

"Oh, Mercedes said to call her" Waverly took some food out of the fridge to cook, and Wynonna came into to kitchen and sat at the table, whiskey bottle still in hand.

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