2. What's Happening?

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"No way Jose'." Wynonna paced back and forth still holding the scythe in her hand. "I did not get locked up in an insane asylum for kiddies, and spend and additional 5 years of my adult life in therapy getting rid of those... crazy ideas daddy put in our heads." Wynonna bent down a few inches to look her sister in her eyes. "There are no vampires. We aren't a family full of chosen ones." Wynonna put the scythe back in the trunk and closed it.

"Then, what exactly drew you to come back home, to come down here and pick up that weapon Nonna? You did just turn 26 and maybe it skipped Willa cause she... ya know, died and then it went to you." Waverly tried to do some more convincing and Wynonna just shook her head.
"Look I've been doing some research." Waverly pulled the sheet from board revealing multiple pictures and pages of research from their family line and previously chosen ones before their father.

"Nope! Waves, You were supposed to be normal!" Wynonna yelled and stomped up the steps, leaving the basement, and concluding the discussion.
Waverly huffed and folded her arms as the frustrated brunette disappeared from her line of sight.

After driving for two nights straight and holding up in a motel during the day, Rosita and Nicole finally arrived in Purgatory, Florida. Nicole pulled her SUV into the parking lot of a motel with a neon light that flickered the words 'Ghost River Motel'.

"Really Nick? We have a briefcase full of money and you choose this shit-hole?" Rosita frowned in disdain for the seemingly unkempt place of lodging.

"This is just for now Rosie. We can't stand out. Plus there aren't any Courtyard Marriotts in Purgatory." Nicole reached down and pulled the silver briefcase onto her lap, scrolled the numbers to unlock it. She looked around to make sure no one was nearby before taking out a few hundred dollars and shoving it in her pocket.

"Whatever let's just check in so I can go find something to eat before dawn. I'm famished and you're starting to look a little appetizing to me, Rojo" Rosita put her finger to the corner of her mouth and gave Nicole a flirty smirk that made the taller woman frown uncomfortably and step out of the car.

They walked into the small lobby of the motel and a bell sounded above the door to alert someone of their arrival. An older woman with grey streaks of hair between jet black locks limped out from the back.

"Hello, ladies. How may I help you?"

"Hi, ma'am. My friend and I would like to get a room for about 4 days." Nicole smiled.

"Four days?" Rosita didn't even want to stay in the place for one day let alone four.

"Shhh" Nicole shushed her.

"Would you ladies like one bed or two?" The older woman looked Nicole up and down and made an assumption based on her baggy sweatpants, baseball cap, and sneakers.  Rosita chuckled before Nicole responded.
"Two beds please"

The woman told them their total and Nicole handed over the cash before giving them their room number and key.

"Enjoy your stay in Purgatory," The woman said before they walked out of the door sounding the bell above again.

"So can we go to a club or something? Do they even have clubs here?" Rosita asked as she opened her suitcase determined to go somewhere rather Nicole wanted to or not.

"I mean I haven't been here in a while, but there have always been local bars and, strip clubs. Why don't you google and see what's around?" Nicole responded.

"Good idea." Rosita picked up her phone from the dresser. "And while I'm doing that, why don't you change into something less pitiful-lesbo looking." Rosita pointed her finger up and down the tall red-head's torso.
Nicole rolled her eyes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

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