4. What A Night

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"Hey! Close the door!" Rosita yelled when Nicole walked into the dark motel room, letting in a stream of light from the outside.

"Sorry, thought you'd still be sleeping." Nicole shrugged.

"So you intended to kill me in my sleep? Sounds fair." Rosita responded sarcastically.

"I'd never intentionally kill you, Rosie. I need someone to keep me company for..."


"Maybe.." Nicole nodded her head once to the side with a shrug.

"Yeah, to keep you from brooding and being all depressed every time your heart gets broken...or when we have to move along, again." Which over the years they had to do a lot when you show no signs of aging.

"I don't brood."Nicole defended.

"Brood, sulk, agonize. Whatever you want to call it. You do it, in sweats, for months. You need to find a nice, non-human girl and save yourself the punishment. Or just don't get attached, like me." Rosita was never one to bite her tongue.

"It's kind of hard finding a non-human, gay girl when neither are wearing signs revealing their true nature. Besides, you can't help who you fall for."

"Yeah, well just make sure when you reveal who and what you are to the next girl she'll still feel the same way about you, Chica. Glamoring away months of memories takes a lot out of me."

Rosita may have seemed to have been a bit harsh. She knew it was hard for Nicole, but she was just looking out for her friend. The last woman that Nicole had fallen for, she believed was the one who'd love the red-haired girl no matter what, but when she revealed to her every part of who she was the woman was revolted by her and never spoke to Nicole again.

It took months for Nicole to leave their apartment.
Rosita made sure to glamour Nicole's ex ridding her of all memories of ex existence for everyone's safety but too bad she couldn't rid Nicole of the heartbreak.

Even though this happened a few years ago and now she pretends everything is back to normal she's still trying to convince herself she's worth being loved.

Nicole nodded and listened to Rosita's words of wisdom while remembering that day her little bubble of perfection burst.

"Yeah, you're right. I think I know to be a lot more careful about who I let in so don't worry." Nicole reassured her companion.

"Uh-huh, The tan woman gave her a knowing look, only her head showing from underneath the covers. "So where were you coming from, daywalker?" Rosita asked.

"Oh, I was signing up for classes and checking out a few rental properties," Nicole told half of the truth and half a lie.

"So we're really staying here?" Nicole nodded hesitantly in hopes Rosita wouldn't object. "Well, good you're looking for places, cause I don't think I could stand a full four days in this dump.
Rosita laid back down and covered her head with the duvet. "I'm going out to find someone to eat when I wake up. Coming?"

"Sure" Nicole responded.

"Okay, Don't let the light in if you leave out." Rosita fell asleep to sleep in no time and Nicole kicked her feet up on her bed and searched for something to watch on tv.

Nearing dusk and halfway to the bar, Wynonna turned on her headlights.
Then she heard it again, the chanting.
"Seriously?" Wynonna started pressing buttons on her radio hoping she wasn't losing her marbles.

She saw a gleaming light from behind her so she looked up in her rearview mirror. The first thing that came to mind was the cops. Maybe her tags weren't up to date. 'Am I speeding?' She checked the speedometer. Nope, that wasn't it. It was coming from the back seat. Wynonna quickly turned to look behind her and saw the old revolver sitting on the seat, glowing a light blue.

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