White Diamond x Pink Diamond

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I'm so triggered from this like UGH

White diamond looked at Pink diamond who was begging her for a colony White stared at her then finally started to speak up. "Pink,your stepping out of line..." White said calmly she saw Pink had anger in her eyes and started to punch her foot. "Pink!" White diamond said quite annoyed. Pink suddenly burst into tears while slamming onto White's foot "I just want a colony it's a-all I w-want.." Pink diamond said in between sobs. White adored Pink being this way she found it....cute. White diamond smiled down at the little diamond "Fine you can have a colony just one favor you have to do."

Pink's eyes lit up her first colony!!!!!!!! She looked up to see White diamonds blinding smile and the gleam in her eyes. "Anything!!!" Pink yelled jumping up and down in excitement she was so happy! Then when she heard the answer she was shocked and but she had to agree or she wouldn't get her colony. "Pink,fuse with me"

This is so short but I don't care somebody else give me a request cause SOMEONE gives me these white diamond things...XD

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