Chapter 10

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The map was White Sand Street Asylum. Your teammates are Tracy, Emma, and Norton. The hunter was Jack. Emma has been contained for a long time now. All of a sudden, you see a red flash. Crap, he teleported to me. You run from the cipher as Jack makes his way towards you.

After a long exhausting kite, you were finally incapacitated. The last cipher was popped and you were back up and containing. You gritted your teeth as you pull down yet another pallet. You were extremely tired. Emma notifies you that both of the exit gates have been opened. Darn this map, it's too big. I'm nowhere near any of the gates. You sigh. Might as well be the sacrifice. You won anyway. You let Jack hit you and chair you. You waited for the others to leave. But they didn't. You were starting to get annoyed. What are they doing? Just get this win already. Please don't tell me they're taunting Jack at the gate. 

"You okay there, princess?" A voice said behind you. 

You turned your head. Norton? He smiles at you and saves you. "Thanks." You mutter. "You could've just left you know."

"Yah, I know, but this is to pay you back for saving me last time."

The two of you hid in one of the asylums' many rooms as Jack tried to find you. Jack seemed to have finally given up and was leaving the area.

You turn to leave but Norton grabs you hand. "Wha-?" You turned around. Norton pulls you closer and kisses you. You blushed, surprised, but you kiss him back. 

"(Y/N), I just want to tell you... I-I love you." He said.

"I love you too." You whispered.

After a while, Norton spoke. "Do you want to go help the others now?"

"No, let's stay like this for a while."

- meanwhile -

Tracy and Emma stood at the exit gate.

"It's been at least 10 minutes since the exit gates opened. Where are they?" Tracy stood there impatiently.

"Wanna just leave? I'm sure they're fine." Emma shrugged.

Tracy looked around one last time and sighed. "Alright, let's go."

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