Season 3 Episode 4 : Battle At Rorke's Drift.

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(Outpost 35, Rorke's Drift.)

Red coats stand ready at the walls, all the men knew this moment would come, this was the moment of truth, they would be making a stand here at Rorke's Drift, all the men knew that they would soon be in the fight for their lives.
The 400 man strong garrison of Rorke's Drift would soon be facing a force 3,000 Lagashizar Rebels.
The soldiers of the Sunken City were outnumbered 2 to 1 with no Artillery and cavalry to help them.

The walls would provide the defenders a good defensible position and it would give the Red Coats an opportunity to fire while on the catwalks.
Each one of the Red Coats were anxious, the younger soldiers were already feeling unnerved while the older and more experienced men from the 9th Regiment of foot keeled their cool as professional soldiers should.

The fabled banner of the Sunken City flew high and mighty above the Outpost, waving and flapping in the wind as the men prepared for the battle to come, Bayonets shined in the glimmering sun, Bolt action Rifles were loaded with fresh stripper clips.
The officers Incharge of the Outpost also stood by their men, ready to give them orders when battle was upon them. The officers held their sabres and Revolvers as they awaited the arrival of the foe.

One of the officers looked at the men gathering at the courtyard, each one of them, keeping to their discipline as professional soldiers. Rifles loaded by their side with discipline they all plugged their Bayonets in unison before presenting their glimmering Bayonets, lowering them as of they were about to commit themselves to a Bayonet charge.

A sergeant with a grey beard led a group of 80 men up the ramparts to take up defensive positions on the walls of the Outpost, this mighty walls which would soon be soaked with the blood of soldiers from both sides, for the subject of war knows no distinction. In war there are no innocence, men would take up arms and women would send their children to fight againts their most hated foe. Everyone is guilty in war, no matter to reason.
But the Sunken City of Falcon Haven cannot allow such resistance. Pride, strength and unity, the three virtues that made the Sunken City strong and mighty, powerful and true. Another key to their military success was partly in thanks due to their massive military and at the core of this massive military structure were the Red Coats, the common infantryman.

Battle was calling to this men stationed at Rorke's Drift. This small Outpost was important, it was the only way troops from the Sunken City could reach the rest of the Eastern Dreamlands from the coast and as such it would have to be defended, inch by inch, down to the last man.

Just then, a radio operator came through to the Commanders with a message, recently decrypted no more then a few short moments ago. The radio operator saluted and he said
“Sir, a small group of 120 Household Cavalrymen have learned of our plite, they've offered to help and are making their way to us right now, we just need to hold out until then.”

One of the officers nodded and said to the radio operator
“Good lad...”
The radio operator then returned to his normal post within the main building, the officer looked at his sabre, the symbol of he's office, he's authority and no man knew that better then the officers and NCOs who weild such master crafted blades in battle or in times of urgency

“Sir, I'm spotting more then 3,000 Lagashizar heavy cataphracts over the hills about 400 yards away.” said one of the Red Coats.

Suddenly, peace went out the window, reason is lost. Over the horizon and appearing just over the hills was the massive force of 3,000 Lagashizar heavy cataphracts.
Their heavy plated armor shined as the light showered down upon them, they road of mighty steeds that were also armored with chainmail armor that completely enclosed the horses.
The heavy cataphracts weilded massive lances that only helped to make them appear all the more menacing.

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