Season 7 Episode 6: The Library III.

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(Gerhard Meyer POV)

This library was an amazing location, the mere fact that we could look into any book we want and read up on different worlds and realities opens up a whole new level of curiosity, especially for me as a journalist.
I have seen many strange and bizarre things happen in the Dreamlands for quite some time already, I knew that at the bottom of my heart there had to be some kind of grand library and this is it, this is that very same library. Everything that has ever come to exist is recorded and kept here in this place. It was a historian's dream, an unprecedented pool of knowledge which had been kept within this place, and accessible to everyone provided that Von Looseberg allowed it.

As we were walking forward however, Thomson, Grayson and Valentino stopped.
We had just entered the room and on one of the couches we saw a sleeping Deby, which took us a bit off guard at first, after all what could Deby be doing here in this library?

As the three of them stopped, Thomson said to us
“Well, this is where we part company for now, Mr. Gerhard... Von Looseberg should be beyond that door over yander.”

“Your not coming with us?” I asked

Thomson gave me a friendly smile, he then looked at the slumbering Deby and he gave another smile before saying
“No... This is between you and Von Looseberg, we wouldn't want to disturb it, besides we have our own set of books to read while we wait for you to finish up.”
Thomson then walked over to one of the bookshelves and he took out one of the books before he slowly sat down and started to read.
Before we started to walked again, Grayson looked at us and he said “Don't worry, we'll watch over our little friend Deby.”

I nodded, then I looked back at my family to see what they were doing.
Josef and Stuckart were already reading some of books that were within the library. I couldn't read what Stuckart was reading, his hands were covering the title of the book. Josef also had the same dilemma though unlike Stuckart's book I could read what the title was. Josef was reading a book about a world that had been named
"The land of Ooo"

“Strange name for a book, don't you think so Gerhard?” asked Josef as he read about this so called mystical and mysterious land.
Josef flipped through the pages and as he read through then he said
“There's even something about Abhumans and mutants and whatnot, there's even something about a yellow dog that speaks.”

“Well, whatever is in this library is another universe, it does exist we just haven't seen it for ourselves.” I commented as I approached him

Josef looked at me and he said
“Ja, well let's hope this Abhumans in this 'land of ooo' are friendly and not openly hostile, it says here that there are even fish people in ooo, like the ones at Falcon Haven only mostly human and part fish.”

I rubbed my chin and I said
“Well, that is interesting.”
Then I looked over and I saw Valentino walking towards me, as usual, Valentino was eating again, this time he was eating a meatball sub however, Valentino walked up to me and he offered me another meatball sub
“Since we are friends, I thought that it would be a good idea to give you something, a little treat for my friends!” He said with a positive outlook.

I smiled and I reached out to accept Valentino's gift, as he handed the meatball sub to me I jockingly asked him
“Are you giving this to me as a gift or because you feel like you've eaten too much?”

Valentino looked at me and he laughed before he patted me on the shoulders and commented saying
“Hah! That is true, I maybe fat, but that does not mean that I do not have room for food!” He said
“This is a gesture of kindness, it's a gift from me to you.”

“Thank you, Valentino, you really do have a big heart for everyone.” I complimented him

Then, I turned to my family and we all began to walk towards the room where Von Looseberg was waiting for our arrival. Passing a slumbering Deby and leaving Thomson, Grayson and Valentino to watch over her as we left to see an old friend.

GERHARD'S DREAMLANDS. A Gerhard Tale. Where stories live. Discover now