Season 6 Episode 8 : Little Mollineli.

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(Meanwhile, at the little town of Mollineli. Deby POV)

“Ah, what a beautiful day” said I, it was another bright and sunny day at Mollineli, the sun was shining brightly today and I've decided that now would be a perfect time to go out and see the little town of Mollineli again, to say that I was familiar with the town would be an understatement.
I grew up with Von Looseberg... Actually no, I wasn't born, I was created by Von Looseberg when he accidentally spilled something on the floor, what was it again? Oh, nevermind, but the important thing is, is that I was created by Von Looseberg no more then 6 Months ago.

Von Looseberg literally created me from the mess he had accidentally made, and then the next thing you know I was born! And I didn't need much attention as I was rapidly growing but I needed alot of attention when I was first created, I wasn't born or rather created by traditional means... I was just a small adorable baby when I was created.

I giggled a bit at those memories. If you think that I'm cute now then you should have seen me 6 Months ago, by all accounts I was beyond cute and I was so adorable as a baby and then a  toddler.
Von Looseberg even said that I was so adorable and sweet that everyone in the house wanted to see me.

If memory serves, then I was first visited by Valentino, then after Valentino Vinny showed up to visit my adorable baby-self.
I'm so cute they say, and to be perfectly honestly with all of you, that is very true.
I giggled, I know I'm cute silly! It's just that I'm not really the sort of person who boasts about it so much.

People tell me that I'm cute, nice and more then adorable. I sure am lucky that I have all those things and that I have alot of friends to share it with, and I'm also lucky that Von Looseberg is here with me, we're going to spend time together.

Von Looseberg, Von Braun and Shomo-lathotep has just returned from the Sunken City. I don't know where Shomo-lathotep was and I didn't want to know where he is, he just destroys the fun for me... But Shomo-lathotep's gaze... It scares me.
I shivered at the mere thought of his unfeeling and emotionless face. I didn't feel comfortable around him, I can only talk to him if I have Von Looseberg or Von Braun with me.

As we were walking down the streets of Mollineli and as Von Looseberg was walking by my side, he noticed my shivering and out of concern he kneld down and placed both his hands on my shoulders before saying
“Deby? Is something wrong are you feeling alright?”

I nodded and answered
“Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine... I-its just that I'm a little scared of Shomo-lathotep, he's so scary!” I answered.
To ease my worries, I hugged Von Looseberg tightly wrapping my arms around her in an attempt to ease my fears, but Shomo-lathotep is still super scary though, I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

Von Looseberg emmidiatelly did the same, hugging me sincerely, he understand why I was afraid, who wouldn't be afraid of Shomo-lathotep?
Von Looseberg has dealt this kinds of things before, he understood pain, sorrow, fear, he understands it, all of it.

As Von Looseberg hugged me he said with a caring and sincere tone
“Don't you worry, Deby, Shomo-lathotep cannot harm you, not as long as either I or Von Braun are here.”

I didn't want to let Von Looseberg go. He was more to me then just my creator. He wasn't just the being that created the Dreamlands with Shomo-lathotep and Von Braun. He wasn't just a person, I looked up to Von Looseberg, he had a special place in my heart, I concidered Von Looseberg family, I concidered Von Looseberg my father-figure.

“Aw, that's sweet, thanks Von Looseberg, your always so nice and kind!” I said, then I felt alright. Von Looseberg's words and his promise to always be there for me helped in keeping my feeling and emotions in check and so I finally let him go
“Let's go, I want to go and find Von Braun and then we all go and get ice-cream!”

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