Season 8 Episode 3 : The Song

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(Von Looseberg POV)

I had opened up a portal that would lead us to Mr. Gerhard directly, as for Deby's request, she wanted to present her music to Mr. Gerhard directly instead of having to wait for him to get back, of course I couldn't reuse Deby once she wants to present it to him directly rather having to wait for him at the house, or that Library of Elder times, Deby would have forbidden me from telling her otherwise, I knew Deby well, I knew what she wanted, I knew what aye desired and I knew that she wouldn't stop until she obtains it for herself. Deby was as sweet as the mythic farries of the Dreamlands themselves, I was left in her spell that's for certain.

And I knew from a personal level that she has somewhat of a connection to evryuone she meets, even if she doesn't know them she would have liked to talk to them anyways, she would have liked to get to know them anyway, she would have also liked to understand them on a personal level, as is the case with me.

As we were reaching the otherside of the Portal, we were emmidiatelly greeted by evryuone who was on the otherside. We were greeted by Gerhard, all of his family members, along with the two Dreamlander detectives Thomson and Grayson and sitted upon a wooden chair was Valentino.

Before any of them could speak up however, Valentino did it first and he said
“Oh, Von Looseberg my friend, your a little too late, you've just missed a show of explosions, Falcon Haven has sent its zeppelins to bomb this place and it looks like they've just taken a break for now!”

I looked upon Valentino, I could tell that he was a little bit worried about all of this, I could feel his soul, I knew what he was feeling right now, he wasn't just worried, Valentino one of my many friend was scared, he wasn't scared about Falco...

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I looked upon Valentino, I could tell that he was a little bit worried about all of this, I could feel his soul, I knew what he was feeling right now, he wasn't just worried, Valentino one of my many friend was scared, he wasn't scared about Falcon Haven, he was afraid of what might come next, what would come after this war reaches its climax.

Without much hesitation I approached Valentino and I said
“Do not worry Valentino, so long as I am here, then there is no need to worry - Thomson, how far away is the Falcon Haven army? And what have you and Grayson managed to gather about this place?” I asked.

Thomson looked at me and he replied
“Well, to answer your first question, General Harford, Colonel Wilks and their men are only a few days away at most, but I know that they've made up their minds at this point, they want to siege this place Von Looseberg.”

Grayson then lit up his pipe once again and he commented upon the situation
“Yes that is correct, my dear Thomson, now we're also going to have to fight the unmerited, amalgamated and punk-faced dark young that is the result of Westfield's experiments.”

Grayson them walked towards one of the windows and he looked out upon the bomb out remains of the walls.
There he looked down upon wounded soldiers as surgeons and doctors did their best to help the wounded man, almost all of whom had shrapnel in their bodies and as most certainly traumatised at the bombing runs commuted by the Royal airforce. Many of them were curled up in a fetus like formation already, rocking back and forth. They were more then just stressed, they were traumatised by the bombs, that was not surprising. But I did have pity for them. Even Rebels should be given a second chance.

I commented
“They look so scared and yet they still choose to resist, you have to admire the catmen of Lagashizar for that trait, they are resilient and they never ever chose the option of defeat, even when total collapse seemed inevitable.”
I then turned to look at Mr. Gerhard and I gave him a warm smile.
“Ah yes, Deby has something to show you, she's written you a song.”

“Really?” Gerhard asked with a smile
“Well, that's sweet of you Deby.”

Gerhard then walked up towards Deby and in an act of gratitude, Gerhard patted Deby on the shoulders, causing her to giggle with excitement as she was excited to see what Mr. Gerhard would think of the song she had recently created.
“Thanks Mr. Gerhard, I can actually play you the song right now, though I have to warn you it's still a prototype.”

“I'd love to hear it for myself Deby, and we'd better do it right now least I won't get to hear it when the city is under siege.” Gerhard explained. Though I could tell that he's tone was kind and he wasn't just telling Deby to do so under the pretext that he was irritated. Infact, he seemed eager to hear her music out for the first time.

“Yay!” Deby shouted in excitement, she then twirled around and said
“This is going to be so good I just know it!”

I knew that this was my que, and so I Snapped my fingers and suddenly, the Portal we had just come from closed and a piano teleported into place right next to Deby.

Deby yelped in excitement, she was adorable whenever she did that, and now she was going to play another one of her songs for us.
I knew her very well, she wasn't the type of person to be easily put off, especially when it came to making music and formulating songs, she was a full time pianist and she did her job well and with much devotion and love.

However, I'd be damned if Deby was the only one who played an instrument in this place today and so, I snapped my fingers yet again and then a single violin appeared in my hand, I took the fiddle and I looked upon Deby for further instructions.

Deby nodded, and then she began to play her piano once again.
She played a tone, a different tone from her usual musical scores, a raw emotion of power and mystery and even that of unknown fantastical wonder was present as she played with her piano and I followed suit, gently playing the violin according to the notes that I had so recently studied, the formula Deby used was perfect and soon both of our instruments and the sounds produced merged and became one united song dedicated to the journalist of Munich, Mr. Gerhard Meyer.

(Deby's song to Gerhard, as well as Gerhard's theme as a character)

As the music played, I turned to look upon those who wee listening to our music, Gerhard and folks were all but entranced by our music, they listened with intent and as they were listening, the others joined in as well.

Then, our music was heard to the wounded soldiers down bellow, soon, those who were still unable to move on from the stress of the bombs dropping upon the city had their fears washed away as Deby's music seemed to clear their minds.

And as the song was reaching its end, Gerhard smiled and looked upon the destroyed walls and the setting sun beyond.

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