Season 7 Episode 2: Basilica.

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(1 week later, Gerhard Meyer POV, Lagashizar)

It has been a week since we've arrived here at Lagashizar. The desert trading city is trully something worthy to look at, I was standing outside the room we had rented out for Dreamlander Dinarii.
As I looked out upon the desert city from the balcony of the building, I saw thousands of cat people and even some soldiers from the garrison forces helping to move supplies and material to where they are needed the most. The defenders have every intention of holding out, they wanted to hold onto the city at all costs, even if it means fighting a siege they knew they could not likewise win.

However, that did not stop Lagashizar and her people to continue the customs and practices and crafts of which they were accustomed to, hundreads of merchants and traders roamed the markets and the trade routes continued to flow with vast caravan fleets bringing wealth and items to trade, it was clear Lagashizar would still get its money.

Patrols of 20 or more soldiers are getting far more frequent as time goes by, the soldiers in question were armed with large square shields that protected their entire body, armed with spears, sometimes swords and halberds and leading them was a noblemen in golden plate armor, a reflection of the wealth of Lagashizar.

I took out my journal again and I wrote down;
"Only two weeks remained, only two weeks, and after that the siege would begin, I don't know what would happen next or what will come after, I don't know what the Red Coats have planned for Lagashizar when they eventually take it, and I don't know what Von Looseberg, Von Braun or even what Shomo-lathotep would think, but what I do know is that; soon it will all be over.

Today, we'll be going out on another walk, of course I would he bringing my entire family with me, I'm sure that Josef would love to spend some of his Dreamlander Dinarii in the markets, of course, by neccesity, he would most likely buy alot of diamond trinkets, most likely adding to his collection of memorabilia again.
But, if my family memeners wish, then I would happily go with them for the sake of spending quality time with them, even if it means going out on a hot day. Or on a rainy day, or on some occasions dark and gloomy days, then I would go.”

As I closed my journal and as I stood up to go see if my family is ready for our little tour of Lagashizar.
Stuckart was preparing some coffee for all of us, using a tray to transport the coffee to a small table at the center of the living room.

Stuckart took a second to take in the scent of the freshly brewed coffee and as he inhaled and exhaled that sweet scent, he looked at me with a smile before saying
“Ah, there you are Gerhard, your just in time, the coffee is ready for all of us.”

“I see your all ready to go, so now that we've been given the opportunity to explore more of the city where would you like to go first?” I asked.

Frau Erika was also getting ready and as she was fixing herself for the walk she looked at me and she said
“How about the market, Gerhard? Who knows there might be something interesting from that place, and we might even be able to buy a few trinkets and souvenirs while we're at it!” she said excitingly.

I looked at Frau Erika and I gave her a warm smile before saying
“That's a good idea Erika, and I'm sure Josef would love to see the markets for himself.”

Josef then looked at me and he said
“Well that's a bit obvious isn't it, Gerhard? Of course I would want to see the markets for myself, then after that we could buy a sorts of souvenirs, hell I have my eyes on of those crystals we saw the markets earlier and I have every intention on getting it.”

“You need some extra money for that Josef?” I asked him.

Josef then looked at me and he said
“Actually to be perfectly honest with you, Gerhard, I don't even know how much it costs, but that still won't stop me from buying it later, it'll look nice in the house!” He exclaimed.


We were walking down the road again, it was just me and the entire family.
The Gerhardians were not in attendance today, I had sent them off to wait in different locations to lessen suspicion. Luckily the Gerhardians would be paying for their own neccesities so I wouldn't have to provide for them all, of course they were already getting ready for the upcoming siege with their weapons and horses at the ready.

However, it would be quite sometime before General Harford could even get his forces here, at best the Red Coats could make it here at Lagashizar in another 2 weeks, crossing thousands of miles of desert sand dunes and building bridges to cross rivers and lakes who's original crossing points would have been destroyed by the catmen.

As we passed through the market area, Josef walked up to one of shops.
The shopkeeper looked at Josef and after finishing sweeping the floor, he placed down the broom and he walked towards Josef with a smile and said
“Welcome to my humble shop, I have many valuable trinkets and precious jems for sale, see for yourself.”

Josef had a look around, observing the many jems and diamonds that were ornately displayed on a wooden container and resting upon segmented pillow casings behind some secure glass.
The jems and diamonds shined as the sun reflected off of them. They were all so very beautiful to look at, especially how they sparkled in the daylight.

Then, Josef found something that catches his eye. A bright shining diamond that almost seemed to radiate as it reflected its beautiful lights and with curious eyes Josef said
“Ja, I think I know what to buy, I'll be taking that one.” he said as he pointed at the diamond.

The shopkeeper smiled and he directed his attention at the crystal that Josef was indicating and with a delighted tone in his voice, he said
“Ah yes, you have chosen the right type of diamond my friend, this diamond was mined from one of our city's deepest mines.” the shopkeeper then reached out and took the large diamond before presenting it to Josef
“... Her name is Basilica.”

Josef reached out and he gently touched the diamond named Basilica it was a beautiful diamond, bound togheter by a heavy steel 'cup' and as Josef held it in his hands he asked the shopkeeper
“How much for this? How much would it cost if I were to purchase this?”

“5000 Dreamlander Dinarii, I know it may seem like a ridiculous price but given the size and the difficulties that had been related with getting out of the mines, well, I had no choice.” the shopkeeper explained.
“So, will you be purchasing it?”

Josef thought for a moment, then he pulled out a bag filled with necklaces and a few steel daggers from the assassins that had attempted to kill one of the High Oligarchs and he said
“How about if I trade for it? I have 4 daggers in here as well as necklaces, and maybe a few precious jems."

The shopkeeper had a look inside of the bag and he nodded his head when he saw its contents. There were indeed jewels and the daggers had been master crafted, gifted to those who were going to war
“Alright, 200 Dreamlander Dinarii then.”

“Done.” Josef said

(Sorry if nothing interesting happened here, I'm feeling sick, don't worry, I'll make up for it)

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