Prisoner 248

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Hailey Steinfeld as Parker Brooks

Hailey Steinfeld as Parker Brooks

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Parker's POV

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell up the stairs as I make my way into my room after a long boring day of high school. No response as expected. My mom is probably dead asleep from the long hours and nightshifts she takes at her work. I sigh to myself and sink into the comfort of my bed as I get my laptop out from my bag. 

Today is the start of winter break and I literally have zero plans. All my friends are away traveling in some tropical paradise. I might as well rewatch The 100 for the 1284936th time ever. I flip open my mac book and connect my AirPods. Great. The wifi isn't working.  All that appears on my screen is that torturous red loading sign instead of he introduction of Clarke talking about space and earth and being all dramatic and blah blah blah. 

"Urrghhh" I exclaim exasperated. I leave my laptop sitting on my bed and run into the family office to reboot the router. As I reach the router, I hear a strange noise. At first it sounds like a buzzing noise, and then I walk closer. Strange sparks are flying out of the cable that connects it to an outlet. Ok now I'm scared. Then the strangest thing of all happens, the thing that changes my life forever. And I wouldn't even know it. 

I hear a mans voice...coming from....the router? "Prisoner 248!" It booms. "What the fu-" And before I can even finish my profanity, I am cut off by what felt like the entire universe closing in on me. And then falling. So much falling. The world around me was pitch black. Am I dead? Did I just have an aneurysm and die?

Finally the falling stops and I am met by cold hard cement floor. "Prisoner 248!" The voice booms again. I slowly stand up and turn around. Holy shit. A man in a black uniform with a silver baton in on hand and a metal cuff in the other stood in front of me. Behind him was a doorway where if I was not mistaken was the skybox from The 100. I'm in The 100! "Face the wall, hold out your right arm."

I did not want to know the actual power of those electric batons so I did as the guard said. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. My hands were shaking, I could not believe this was happening. Maybe I'm in a coma...maybe this is just temporary. I should probably just go along with it until I wake up...if I wake up. 

Then I feel sharp needles jabbing into my wrist and the cold metal cuff secure. Ow! The guard takes me by the shoulder and pushes me out into the hall, in a line along with all of the delinquents. I could not believe my eyes, I'm in the 100! that who I think it is? John fucking Murphy...Murphy is in line ahead of me. Okay Parker, keep your shit together, act natural. I looked down at my feet in order to hide the look of bewilderment on my face. My left hand nervously tapped the metal wristband that was on my right arm. 

Soon enough, the line was moving, I was lead to a seat next to some random kid on my right and an empty seat on my left.  Then you will not believe who sat in that empty seat...Finn fucking Collins. I stared at him with wide eyes and he just laughed at my weird behavior. As he strapped himself in he said, "Finn Collins, nice to meet you."

I'm in The 100! | C. GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now