Chapter 1

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Emily's POV:

After college I really didn't know what I wanted to do. I wanted to swim for the rest of my life but I knew that wasn't exactly possible. I tried jobs as a physical therapist, a regular therapist, a bar tender but nothing was right for me. I thought I was dreaming the day I heard that UCLA needed a swim coach. If I couldn't swim for a day job then I would certainly take something close to it. Here I was 24 years old heading to my first day at my some what dream job. I was actually pretty nervous because the last coach that retired was my coach when I was on the team and she had been there for a long fucking time. Twenty years to be exact.

"Babe what if the students don't like me." I asked Demi my girlfriend who was driving me to work. Demi and I got together almost a year ago after Alison and I broke up.

"Baby they will love you now stop worrying and get you're cute little ass out of my car because we're here." She said turning around to look at me.

"I don't know what time I'm finished so i'll text you." I kissed her on the lips before exiting the car. I knew exactly where to go. I knew this college like the back of my hand. I ended up studying here for three years. I finally graduated when I was 21. Alison and I broke up when I had a year left of college. She had already left and started to look for teaching job. We had no time for each other and both of us were miserable. When we ended things it wasn't messy we both agreed that it would be best and we tried to stay friends for a while but it didn't work. I haven't spoke or seen her in over two years now. It sucks a little she was my first love. I always thought I loved my high school girlfriends but I didn't. What I felt with Ali was completely different even different to what I feel now but Demi is really great and I don't have the heart to leave her. When I entered the swimming area the students were gathered in a circle with their old coach.

"Ahhh there she is one of the best swimmers to ever be in this program." She said which made all the girl turn to look at me. I blushed at her comment. That was a little boost to my ego, not that I needed it I was already a self centered bitch. I had changed a lot through college and even after. I got a lot more sarcastic and witty. People either love me or hate me there's no in between.

"Keep it coming coach." I joked which caused a muffled laugh from the girls.

"Girl this is your new coach, Coach Fields." She smiled at me. The girls greeted me with handshakes and hugs. They seemed to be a nice group of girls which I was happy for because there's nothing worse than a bitchy college girl. After talking for a while their old coach left and I immediately got more nervous.

"Today we will keep it simple so jump in the pool and swim a few laps I just want to see what I have to work with. We might do a few relays we'll see." I said to the girls. They stood and stared at me for a little while then realized they needed to go change. While they were walking away I heard a lot of 'she's so hot' and 'this swim season will be easy with her as our coach' it's nice to know the swim team is still keeping their lesbian reputation going. When I was waiting for the girls to change I was looking at the trophy case and I saw a few with my name on them. It's weird to know I still hold the title. I still remember that day. I was trying to impress Alison. When the girls were changed I watched them swim a few laps. All of the girls were good swimmers I'm excited for this season.

"Listen up, I'm going to split you into two teams and you'll act like it's a meet you're all very good at regular swimming but now I want to see it when you're actually putting effort in." I split them into two teams and took my place at the side of the pool. One by one the girls dived in. Watching them you can tell who's a natural swimmer to most people they probably all look the same to a regular person but a natural swimmer looks a lot more effortless. All together they were a really solid team after a few changes and more practices we'll be ready to go.

"I'm really impressed with you all. You're all really great swimmers so good job." I said which goes a few blushes and mumbled thank yous.

"Since it's the first day I just want to get to know you all so go get changed and when you come back we'll sit around and talk."

About an hour later the girls and I were getting ready to leave. I had got to know them fairly well. There were six girls in total. Katie, Lexi, Sydney, Ava, Kendall and Carly. I texted Demi asking her to come pick me up in 20 minutes from the Starbucks across the street. The girls came and said their goodbyes and left. I started to make my way across campus with my head looking down at my phone. Suddenly I bumped into someone and sent their books on the floor.

"Fuck I am so sorry." I said bending down to help them pick up their books.

"No it's ok it was my fault." As soon as I heard the voice I froze. I could recognize it anywhere.

Alison fucking Dilaurentis.

Alison's POV:

Waking up at 7:00am was the last thing I wanted to be doing right now. It was September which meant school was back in session. Thank God I'm not a high school teacher anymore. I can finally teach stuff I'm actually passionate about and and stuff I can say I enjoy. Today was my first day as a professor at UCLA. I was going to be teaching the same course I took, journalism. When I left college I became a journalist for the LA Times. I wrote about anything really. Sometimes it was how to understand your teenage kid and sometimes it was what to wear to an interview. I gave that up after about a year. I do have a blog where I publish all my short stories that I write in my free time though. My alarm went again at 7:05 letting me know my 'snooze' was over. I rolled over and was met with my boyfriend. James and I met my first year of teaching. Unlike me he is content with teaching high school. I also have a two and a half year old girl. It was a surprise to say the least. James and I had sex the first few weeks of dating, we used a condom but we were some of the unlucky 1% that it doesn't work for. Her name is Molly. She's the best thing in my life at the minute. Things with James and I aren't too great right now, I always feel like we're just with each other because of Molly which is what I didn't want but it's true I just don't want her to grow up in a house hold like I did. James is a really great father so it's easier to stick around and have a good father for Molly. I got out of bed and headed for the shower. I wasn't that nervous for today, teaching university was a lot more relaxed than teaching high school. Once I got out of the shower I put on black skinny dress pants and a pink button down shirt. It's too hot in LA to wear a blazer. I stuck to minimal make up and curled my hair. I grabbed a banana and a bottle of water and headed for the door. James didn't have a first period class so he takes Molly to his mom's before he heads to work.

By the time I got to work it was 7:45 class didn't start to 9:00 so I parked my car and headed for Starbucks. I left Starbucks with enough time to get me to campus for 8:30. I went to my car to get my stuff that I would need and started to head to my room. I was walking past a group of football players and heard them talking and mumbling how 'hot' I was. When I made it in front of them of course one of them cat whistled at me. I turned around to look at them and they all immediately turned away. When I turned around I collided with a muscular yet petite body.

"Fuck I am so sorry." She said as my books hit the floor. I knew her voice from somewhere I just didn't know where.

"No it's ok it was my fault." I said picking up the last of my books. I finally stood up to look at her and as soon as I saw her tan skin and her big brown eyes I knew who it was. Emily Fields. I haven't seen her in two years and now I just bump into her on my first day at work, great.

"Emily..." I said in complete shock and my the look on her face she was obviously shocked too.

"Long time no see Alison." She smiled that oh so familiar smile of hers.

"It's been two years what are you doing here?" I asked realizing she's probably thinking the same about me.

" I could ask you the same thing but I'm the new swim coach here the old one just retired and I thought why not." Of course she's doing something with swimming.

"I'm teaching journalism here today is my first day so I better go or I'll be late but it was great to see you I'm sure I'll see you around." I said sort of hoping to see her again. I missed her. Not even in a relationship sense but as a friend. We never really had a friendship stage we just dived right into dating.

"Yea it was nice seeing you, we should catch up sometime. Bye Alison." She replied walking backwards a bit.

" Bye Emily." 

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