Chapter 4: The Mansion

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The next morning

Ashley's POV:

I passed out last night directly after this dude drove me home. It was weird. How did he know I was Ashley King only after seeing my house? I never questioned him though; I was too tired. Now that I woke up, the moment I've dreaded the most has come; facing Maddie and Stella. Oh gosh.

I get out of bed and slide my feet into my fluffy lilac slippers as the pinkish colors of dawn paint my room and allow an aura of tranquility to take over the modernized place I decorated myself. The walls were painted with a very light blue. Frames with motivational quotes written in silver and a sophisticated font were my favorite part of this room. My bed was king sized, and was covered in fluffy grey pillows and covers. Fairy lights decorated the bed frame and made my room a really cozy homely atmosphere. Waking up in a room like this automatically boosted my mood.

I tied my oversized robe around my waist, put my messy hair in a bun, washed my face and put some moisturizer on. I looked at the huge mirror that covered the whole wall of my vintage bathroom. I looked like a mess. Last night brought back memories I have been trying so hard to forget. And now I just stumbled back to zero and I hated it. Whining won't be of any help though, so I headed to our living space.

Rays of sunshine lit up our beautifully decorated living room. Two main walls were completely exchanged with huge glass windows, that was Stella's idea, and wow was it great. Maddie and Stella were both sitting on our beige sofa wolfing down some acai bowls, and as soon as I stepped in, they both dropped their bowls and shot me daggers.

"Care to explain babe?" starts Maddie

"We were so worried about you, what the heck were you thinking Ashley?!" adds Stella

"Do you know how stupid what you did was? And how badly it could've ended?!" yells Maddie

"Oh my God girls, good morning to you too!"

"Stop being a smartass Ashley, you know what you did was extremely wrong and irrational" replies Stella

"I know, I know. It's not that I just randomly decided to leave with him though. I needed to."

"Huh" questions Maddie

I explained everything to them, including ever small unnecessary detail.

"Woah, this still impacts you this much"

"I'm so sorry Ash but you still should've asked us to drive you."

"He could've been just as dangerous you know."

"We thought taking you to that party would help you forget him, not remind you of everything."

"Ashley we're there for you whenever you need us, you know that right?"

I say nothing. I just nod. But I was more than grateful. Their presence in my life is the only thing keeping me going. I love them so much I can't explain it. It's unfathomable, really, how 2 people can impact your life so greatly.

"You know what? We're going to change this topic right now!" says Stella as she stands up all excited

We look at her asking for more explanation. She goes on

"It's our first day in this mansion since we got here last night and directly left to party. So we basically haven't seen anything here except for our rooms, the living room, and the kitchen. How about we discover our ways around here"

Maddie laughs "You make walking around our new home like so much fun, do you expect a hidden treasure or something?"

I giggle at Stella's unamused facial expression. She rolls her eyes before ushering us to follow her. We do.

p.s. This mansion was Ashley's father's, all Ashley knows about it is the fact that it's a family's house that's been passed down in their family since forever, and that it has been recently renovated by a professional interior designer (except for the bedrooms, the girls designed them themselves ;))
So long story short, this is why the girls know nothing about their house, since simply, they weren't the ones that purchased it.

First we go downstairs, the huge wooden stairs lead us to a hall which felt like and underground aquarium. Our jaws dropped. The walls were carved and fish tanks were inserted. It felt like modern-day scuba diving. We walked past this hall which led to big glass doors. Behind this door was every teenager's dream place in one's house.

A gigantic pool rested in the midst of an enormous terrace lit with candles and fairy lights. It was out in the open. Long chairs made it seem like a starred resort. It even had a jacuzzi! Turning over, we saw a freaking bar!! We had a pool, a jacuzzi and a bar, we couldn't believe our eyes.

"OH MY GOSH" screams Maddie


"GIRLS WOAHH" I blurt out

This was craazzyyy beautiful. We loved it.

After like 15 minutes of us staring in awe at the pool place. We went back into the mansion and walked through an opposing hall which led to our backyard. We has trees and flowers and a cute little pergola trowning over two rocking chairs and a glass table. Ouhh romantic much?

We left again and went back upstairs. We quickly went through our bathrooms and super modern kitchens. Yes, with an 's', we had four kitchens actually. A bit extra we didn't even need those.

After that we went upstairs. Here were our rooms and walk-in closets, we've already seen these, so we go up again to the third floor.

This was the most amazing surprise. We were not expecting this. This floor had a long hallway which had three separate doors. We opened the first. And guess what. A gym!! As we've already told you, we workout daily, so this was freaking paradiseee. And it was fully equipped probably better than any other gym in LA. It also had a breathtaking view over the whole city. Mesmerizing.

We were scotched. After freaking out, we left and opened the second door on that floor. It was a small library. Super cool, we did like reading and it was a pretty great place to study as well.

Finally we entered the third and last room on that floor. It was... odd.

It was dark, the bulb glitched, and only one squeaking chair sat there all creepily in the corner. It was super dusty as if abandoned for ages.

Maddie... being the super curious person she was entered first. We gave each other weird creeped out looks before Maddie decides to sit on that chair.

A loud bang is heard and we all jump out of fright. The bricks of the wall to our left start shifting. We were petrified. I thought shit like this only happened in movies... Horror movies.

A creeky old door appeared from behind the bricks. What the actual heck just happened. I was so ready to just leave and never enter this room again... But of course, Maddie had to open the door.

So we went in.

What does this secret room have in store for them? Find out in chapter 5! x

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