Chapter 12: Oh No

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Previous scene

Room 314

There it was. I took a deep breath and marched inside.

People were already seated but a low buzz of chatter was still heard. The professor was still shuffling with her belongings.

As soon as she sees me she drops whatever she was doing and looks at me skeptically:

"Well if this isn't Ashley King." she greets.

The class turned dead silent.

I couldn't tell if she was being mean or friendly, her tone remained neutral.

And how did she know me already? I'm positive I've never seen this woman in my life.

Back to this chapter

Ashley's POV:

I answer as dryly as I could because I was getting sketchy vibes from her.

"It is." I quickly say back

She sighs then smiles and looks at me "What a pleasure!"

I half smile at her noticing the sarcasm in her tone. I take a step closer avoiding the eavesdropping of everyone in class and whisper "I'm sure it is."

She looks me up and down before I walk away and take a seat at the back of the room. Great. This was my first professor and she already hates me. And here I thought I looked lovable

Yeah right, who am I kidding?

I chuckle lightly.

She starts her class.

When I tell you this was more boring than listening to politicians rant about their doings, I'm not even being close to how boring that was.

I looked around.

A blonde brat has been doing and redoing her makeup this whole time, all the same time winking at hot guys every now and then.

A couple of guys sitting left of me haven't stopped talking about their daddy's money.

An emo girl two rows to the front had earbuds in and was asleep probably listening to some hardcore punk or indie rock.

Not to forget, of course, the teachers pet taking every note and participating every opportunity he gets... Good for him i guess.

And then there's me, who hasn't listened to a word the professor's said, fantasizing about lunch and cute guys.

Typical me. Although I probably will never be in a relationship before a couple years. Food on the other hand... :)

One more horrid minute before I leave this class.

15 minutes later

Everyone was seated at the auditorium again.

I sat there, left of Stella, trying so hard to remember if I'd ever seen this woman before (the professor), with the dean's speech as some background buzzing.

Irritated by the noise I leave and enter the wash room for some quiet so I could think straight.

Maddie's POV

The dean was about to introduce us to this semester's exchange students.

I hope some hot foreign guys are amongst those.

The dean begins listing names as the several exchange students make their way to the center of the stage each on cue with his/her name.

"Mazekeen Pine"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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