Chapter 7: Huh?

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Ashley's POV

I've never seen Shawn get this defensive. Like ever. He immediately stood up and i could tell he hated the dude's guts.

Great. I probably told my brother's worst enemy my darkest secret. Go me!

"Oh stop it, I never had to do with any of what happened anyways and you know it." the guy said in an unbothered tone

Shawn pushed him away from our table and talked to him for a couple of minutes. The tension between the two of them was immaculate. I felt so uneasy and hoped this guy wouldn't bring up last night or any of what I've told him. Yes, I never told Shawn, my ex would've been six feet under if I had. Finally, and to my relief, the guy looked me up and down and left the diner.

"What the hell was that about" I ask Shawn as soon as he comes back

"Mind your business and stay away from this douche" he answers clearly still heated

"Excuse me? Mind my business? I'm your sister" I answer trying to sound offended

The mastermind plan I've needed has just been sent to me on a silver platter. I was going to drive Shawn's car because nobody says no to Ashley King.

"My younger sister. Should I remind you that you have no authority over me?" he replies coldly

"Right I don't. And neither do you. What's that guy's name then?" I ask in a flirty tone

"What the fuck did you just ask me Ashley? This is no joke. You're not to go anywhere near this guy." he clearly sounds serious

"I think we just established the fact that you have no authority over me. Oh and I have been near him before. Actually I've met him last night. And mind you, he was lovely. And he looks just as lovely as he is." at this point I was just trying to get a reaction out of him

"First off I'm your older brother so I do have authority over you whether you like it or not. Secondly, Ashley what" he yells at me

"Okay okay chill I won't go near him again. However, you have to do something in return." I say, an evil grin making its way up to my lips.

He looks at me blankly waiting for me to ask.

"Can I drive your car?" I ask all smiley

"I said no" he answers abruptly

"Well then I guess this dude is pure boyfriend material." I reply

"Ashley I would kill you and him without hesitation" he says threat and venom dripping from his words

God he was scary. Who is this dude and what the hell was wrong with Shawn. I've never seen him this way before.

"Shawn relax what's wrong with you. I said I liked him and that's something you have no say in" I say. I was still shook though. I was more curious to know why Shawn despises this guy

He aggressively shoves his car keys my way. I catch them victoriously.
"He's bad news Ash."

My eyes twinkle with joy and i stand up jumping up and down. My master plans never fail.

"Thank you thank youu shawn i love you!!" I say all happy.

He rolls his eyes "Come on let's go"

We sit in the car, and mind you, although I was extremely jubilant, this was the most unpleasant ride I've ever had. I mean it's common knowledge I'm a horrible driver, but to make matters worse Shawn was in a horrible mood as well. Great.

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