Chapter 5: Where Are We

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A strong masculine piercing scent hits us in the face as soon as we step into the room. Where the HELL are we.

Ashley's POV:
I looked around in awe. This was modern and old. Cool and creepy. Weird but normal all at the same time. I couldn't quite find the words to describe it.

First off, it felt like we were in a completely different part of town since the window up front opens up to what's on the left of our mansion; an old abandoned street completely contradicting the modern scenery we enjoyed from our gym for example.

Stella opened the window and let in a cold breeze of brisk unsettled wind that immediately sent shivers down our spines.

As if the former wasn't creepy enough, a murder of crows filled the once clear sky and flew away just as suddenly as they appeared.

The creeky white closet on my left felt out of place compared to the glass table in the midst of the room or the huge screens covering the wall on my right. Just like I said, old and modern at the same time.

The room was turning more and more hostile the longer we stayed.

"Hey, how about we ditch this place?" I suggest swallowing hesitantly.

"God no!" replies Maddie "Don't you wanna know what this place is for?!"

"... Not really" I answer looking at Stella skeptically waiting for her to back me up.

"I'm curious too" she finally mutters. I roll my eyes.

"Seriously guys, what could this room hold? It doesn't serve any purpose, beside creeping the shit out of me of course."

"Ugh come on Ash grow some balls." says Maddie as she opens the closet.

I see a twinkle of surprise and amazement in Stella's eyes as the cupboards open. "Oh my God" is all she says

"What is it?" I say

"Come see for yourself." adds Maddie, just as scotched as Ella is.

I walk back into the room and look over the cupboard to see "King" carved in gold on the back of the closet.

"I don't remember us ordering or customizing any closets." I say

"Exactly why we're surprised." Stella looks at me like I'm dumb.

Maddie steps into the pretty big closet and overlines the carved letters with the tip of her fingers. As soon as her finger reaches "g" the whole cupboard is magically divided into two parts uncovering some stairs welcoming us into a secret underground tunnel apparently.

"Okay there's absolutely noway I'm going down there. That's final." I say still not believing what the heck just happened.

I'm taken aback my maddie's yelling.

Before processing the whole thing I'm already being dragged down the stairs.

We reach a tunnel which seemed endless with old paintings hung on either sides and a red carpet spilled on the floor. It felt royal to say the least.

"Okayyy now that we've seen how cool this place is, I'm officially out and am never coming back." I groan

As I'm running back up the stairs Stella calls me again "Ashley King! COME BACK HERE"

I'm now again sitting on the dusty chair that Maddie sat on unlocking this whole weird ass place.

As my heart began beating normally again, I get a text from my brother.
"Heyy ash, I miss you dumbass. How's LA so far? I just got back here from camp and can't wait to see you. Wana go to an arcade or something?"

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