We Need a Bigger Couch

669 19 5

Requested By; margron_the_elf

Freddy and Bonnie were making out on their couch, as per usual. Ever since they moved out of their former apartment building where the rest of the friends lived, they finally could do things without everyone in the complex hearing.

They were laying down on their sides facing each other, with Freddy on the inside.

Bonnie clutched Freddy's shirt tightly. He was much shorter than Freddy, so this was one of few ways they could actually make out. In the heat of the moment, they forgot just how big their couch was. 

"Ack!" Bonnie fell off the couch with a thud.

Freddy died laughing as Bonnie sat up, noticeably disheveled, glaring at him.

"Are...are you...ok?" Freddy asked between laughs. His only response was more glaring from Bonnie as he stood up. He started to leave the room.

"N..no....wait...Babe!" Freddy still couldn't stop giggling. He reached out his arm in a weak attempt to stop his annoyed boyfriend.

"No! No! I'm done! We can finish this tomorrow!" Bonnie called back to his mess of a lover, slamming the door shut.

Thank you for requesting this prompt! I hope you all enjoyed! If there is something you want me to write about, just comment and I'll get to you as soon as possible. Thanks again and goodbye! -BareWoodGirl

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