High School AU

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(A/N) Sup Guys! I just wanted to provide some context before we get into this one-shot. First, Freddy and the crew are Sophomores, while the FNAF 2 animatronics are freshmen(Cause logic). 

Freddy and Bonnie aren't together yet, and Freddy doesn't even realize he's gay(Bonnie flaunts his gayness). 

Also, this AU will take up several chapters!

That's it! Enjoy!

Bonnie and Chica walked through the oh-too-familiar halls of San Antonio Highschool. The crowded corridors were filled with the lively sound of chatter. Class hadn't started yet, so Bonnie and Chica met up with the others at their 'meeting place' in the cafeteria.

Chica went off to get breakfast and Bonnie sat down next to Toy Bonnie(AKA Clyde). He was chatting about something to do with colors. Bonnie quickly did a headcount. Seven people. Everyone was here but Foxy, of course. He was on the track team, so he trained in the morning and for about an hour after school. Not an easy person to get a hold of.

Bonnie let his gaze wander. He was glad he had come out to his friend group and become closer to them, but...now he had to worry about his crush, Freddy.

"Hey, Bonnie. You're quieter than usual, "Freddy commented. He set his arms on the table as he leaned in to hear Bonnie over the loud conversation next to them. 

"Wha- Oh! Yeah, sorry about that, "Bonnie laughed nervously, almost getting lost in Freddy's beautiful blue eyes, "I just got...er...distracted."

None of the others paid any attention to them, they were more focused on Chica, coming to sit with them.

"That's unlike you. What's got your attention?" Freddy raised an eyebrow. He brought up his hands to his face and rested his chin on them.

Feeling uncomfortable about being put on the spot, Bonnie shifted in his seat, "Unimportant. What'd you do over the weekend?" He asked. He couldn't tell him he was thinking about him!

"You're changing the subject. You never back down from a topic. Is something wrong, Bon?" Freddy's tone melted into concern.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry-" Bonnie started.

"You always say that! Stop shutting people out!" Freddy straightened up.

"I SAID I'M FINE!!" Bonnie yelled, drawing the attention of the rest of the table as he stormed off.

"Fredrick Fazbear! What did you DO!?!" Bonnie could still hear TC's screams behind him.

But no matter where he went, someone was there. This school had WAY too many people. 

In the end, it didn't matter anyway. The bell rang, so Bonnie hurried to Calculus, his first class. No one from his friend group was in this class with him, so nothing really happened. 

First period ended too soon. Bonnie went a different way to second period to avoid any of his friends' questions.

Following this pattern, the rest of the day came and went without incident. It was after-school that got tricky.

"Bonnie!" Foxy waved him over to where he, Clyde, and Red were waiting for their rides.

Mentally cursing, Bonnie begrudgingly joined them.

"Hey, "He spoke gently, "Clyde told me ye got in a fight with Fred-"

"You could say that..." Bonnie mumbled.

"-Are ye okay, lad?"

Bonnie's head snapped up in surprise, "I...yes. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. We'll be on good terms again before you know it!" He smiled as brightly as he could without letting on he was faking it.

Foxy smiled weakly. Bonnie excused himself and hurried away. His mind swirled as he walked home. He didn't see Freddy, they usually walked home together. 

Bonnie was relieved, honestly. He didn't want to talk to him right now. Especially after their fight. At least now it was quiet-

"Bonnie! Wait up!"

Oh, no...

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