The Plan

467 17 13

Requested by; margron_the_elf

 (Oblivious Bonnie and Freddy/Chica and Foxy attempt to get them together/ only Foxy's idea's work)

"FOXY!!" Chica threw back Pirate Cove's curtains as Foxy jumped in surprise. 

"What do ye want from me, woman?!" Foxy barked.

"Ok, so ya know how Bonnie likes Freddy and Freddy likes Bonnie but they're too shy and they keep dancing around each other?" Chica's words almost blurred together incomprehensively.

Foxy nodded, even though he had no idea what Chica was talking about.

"Well," Chica conjured up a rolling whiteboard out of thin air. Curse her fangirling-admin powers, "I have a plan to get them together!!"

As Chica began scribbling furiously on the whiteboard(which squeaked in protest) Foxy crossed his legs and rested his head on his hand(which leaned on his leg), "Remind me why this is a problem?" Foxy inquired when Chica stepped away from the board. She turned around so fast her long blond hair slapped her in the face.

"This is plan A!" She pointed to a poorly drawn version of Freddy and Bonnie, completely ignoring Foxy's question, "First, we 'go on an errand' and leave them alone. Then, we subtly push them together!"

"You better have more than one plan," Foxy mumbled, already guessing where THIS was going.

"Right! Let's go!" Chica grabbed Foxy's collar and hoisted him up. She's a lot stronger than she looks.

They exited Pirate's Cove(Foxy was momentarily blinded as he hadn't been outside in forever) and located Bonnie and Freddy with the help of TC and Mangle.

They were in the Main Room, talking about whatever.

"ME AND FOXY ARE GOING...UH...SHOPPING." Chica yelled over to them, dragging Foxy by the wrist.

"That's not grammatically correct.," Bonnie mumbled underneath his breath, his purple bangs almost covered his eyes.

Freddy snickered at Bonnie. He always loved English, Freddy thought fondly. Bonnie caught his eye and Freddy quickly looked to Chica, avoiding confrontation.

"M'kay! Be safe!" Freddy called over to them.

Foxy snorted, "Thanks, dad!" He mocked.

And like that, they were out the door...


Hi guys! I know this one is short but I wanted to get SOMETHING out. It's been a while since I posted. If you like this scenario then comment it down below so I know to keep continuing it! Again, if there's anything you want to see, I'm taking requests!

Enjoy the next 24 hours!

Love, BareWoodGirl

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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