Chapter 3

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Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless and Stormfly were on their way to the Icy Island.
Hiccup and Toothless were in front, leading the way while Astrid and Stormfly were close behind them. Hiccup couldn't stop thinking about the letter that he had put in his armor. He would pull it out every now and then to re-read the letter to himself.
"Who is this mysterious person? Is he planing something against Berk?.... And what does he want with me?!?"

There was so much going through his head. Feeling overwhelmed, Hiccup thoughts started to drift toward his father again, what he would do in this situation and wished that he was still alive. He missed him so much, more than words could express and he, deep down, blamed himself for his father's death. Hiccup didn't blame Toothless because he was under the control of Drago's alpha dragon. If only he listened to his father and didn't go try to make peace with Drago, Stoick might still be alive.
Hiccup's emotions began to boil to the surface and he felt as if he was going to cry. Toothless looked up and could see Hiccup trying to hold back tears. His scaly friend made his normal dragon noise, while he looked up at Hiccup with his big, cat-like eyes and gave he a big "toothless" smile. Hiccup couldn't help but laugh a little at Toothless's, but was thankful for this friends effort in making him feel better. Again, what are best friends for anyway. He leans forward and places his hand on Toothless's head.
"Thanks bud. You are the greatest friend anyone could ask for....... I promise you that I will protect you from anything or anyone that would try to hurt you."
Toothless makes a purring sound in agreement that he would do the same for Hiccup.
As time passed, it felt like they had been flying for days but they all knew that it hasn't been that long, they just did not know what to expect. The sun was still high in the sky, but as they kept flying, the clouds started to cover the suns light, it started to grow darker and slightly foggy. As they we're flying along, a chill began to consume the vikings and their dragons. Hiccup looked down and saw the sea slowly durning a dark color, until it was darker then the night sky. The young hiking chief couldn't shake the idea but there was a sense of something familiar about their surrounds. Yes, it was just water and icebergs growing from the ocean, so they could literally be anywhere, but Hiccup was so convinced of this. Before he could try and figure it out, he heard Astrid calling to him.

"HICCUP!! Look up a head!" Astrid shouted as she pointed to a small, ice covered island. As they flew closer and closer, the island got bigger and bigger, as well as Hiccup's fear of what might be laying ahead.  As they got close, they saw boats all around the island. The old ships were all lined up along the shore. Once the four of them got close enough to see what was happening aboard the boats, they hovered over and saw ugly, scar- faced Vikings that were dragging cages full of dragons. Most of the dragons looked hungry, and tired. Only a few of them looked like they were about to die. Hiccup's heart broke when he saw the dragons beginning tortured. But then something else caught his attention, it was a large man, with dragon skin all over his body, but Hiccup wasn't close enough to see his face. He was trying to get closer but Toothless refused to move. 

"Toothless, what's the matter bud?"
Hiccup kept on trying to get closer but the stubborn dragon wouldn't let him. Toothless then made a roar that was full of terror and was trying to fly in the opposite direction. Hiccup looked directly below them and then he understood why Toothless was acting the way that he was. Someone had spotted them! They started to fire nets at them through a catapult. Toothless was fast enough to dodge the nets, but Stormfly was struggling.
Hiccup shout and ordered Astrid to follow.
Hiccup and Toothless were almost to the island. He turned around,
Astrid and Stormfly were getting closer but then a net came out of nowhere and shot them. They began to fall......
They were falling fast! Hiccup and Toothless raced after them but they were not going to make it to them in time.
Astrid and Stormfly landed on one of the many boats along the shore. Hiccup was trying to fly down and save them but Toothless still won't let him. Both knew that they would not make it to them without the chance of them getting captured. Plus, more and more nets were being shot at them.
Hiccup want to beat the odds to of them not getting caught but he realized that Toothless was looking out for the both of them, and that if they tried to go after them, that they would not stand a chance at this point, not without a plan.
"Come on Bud, we will have to get them later."
They flow away from the boats and found a hiding spot on the cold, icy island. It was a ice cave not far form the shore. Toothless curled himself around Hiccup to keep him warm and Hiccup got as close as he could to Toothless.
"Thanks Toothless... Well, we might as well get comfortable. I think we might be here for a while."
Toothless placed his head on the cold, hard floor and closed his eyes. Hiccup looked down at his best friend and smile.
"Oh Toothless, I'm so glad you are here with me. I don't know what I would do without you..... I would do anything for you Bud. You were always there for me...and I will always be there for you."

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