Chapter 4

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Hiccup and Toothless were in the cave for a while. In Hiccup's mind, he felt like it was hours, days even. The clouds did not allow the sun to shine down to the icy hell of a place. The only think Hiccup could think about was Astrid. If she was safe, who had capture her and his friend and what this strange Viking wanted with him. 

Once Hiccup felt like it was safe, they slow walked out, out of sight and headed to the boats."Ok Toothless, you go find the other dragons, and I'll go look for the gang." 

Toothless nodded, sniffed around for a slight scent of the other dragons and once he had it, the dragon ran off in the opposite direction.
Hiccup was on top of a icy hill, so he could see all the boats. There was also a huge building, that's was built into a mountain, a lot like the Great Hall back on Berk. But unlike the Great Hall, this monstrous building was old and seemed to be painted with ashes, as if there was a fire that consumed what use to be there, but left behind a small memory of what use to be there. It looked like the entrance to hell. A slight chill crawled up his spin. The strange Vikings were traveling in and out from the entrance of the building. They were carrying weapons and cages, with and without dragons in them, to the ships.
Hiccup knew he had to find another was inside. Luckily, as he careful explored the exterior of the vast icy building, he saw that there was a ladder right next to a hole in the wall, just big enough for him to fit through. He assumed that someone was going to patch it up, but just left it be. Hiccup quickly ran to the ladder and made it up to the hole without anyone spotting him.
The hole was small, but so was Hiccup, when despite him being in his twenty's at this point. So, it wasn't that big of a problem for him. As he crawled through the dark, cob-webbed filled hole, Hiccup was praying that Toothless has found the dragons and is waiting for him to return.
"Oh Gods, why did I let him go off by himself!! He could get captured or worse!!!....."
Hiccup finally made it to the end of the tunnel. He crawled out, covered in cob-webs and sawdust.
"Ew....This is gross!! I hate cob-webs.." Hiccup whispered to himself.
Once he got all the cob-web off of his cloths, he began to explore his surroundings. The room he was in was huge, but surprisingly empty. It was a strange room. The first think Hiccup noticed was the enormous door, he thought that it had to be the entrance to the room. There were prison cell built into the walls, and they were empty as well. The roof was supported by many wooden pool. The walls had shelves built into them with many knifes, poisons and spell books. But in the middle of the room were chains that were built into the floor. They looked like they had never been used before. Hiccup was kind of creeped out by all of this. He was about to turn and leave but he saw something that had grabbed his attention. There was an item right next to the book of spells...... It was a staff with a hallow crystal on the top. Hiccup almost dropped to his knees, terrified by what he saw.
"No... This can be real... It the same staff from my nightmare..."
Then he heard a group of people coming. Hiccup ran to a dark spot behind one of the poles in a corner.
Lucky for him, he was close enough to hear the conversation and see who was speaking, without them seeing him.
Hiccup was overjoyed to see that it was Astrid, Valka, Eret, Gobbar and the rest of the gang. But their dragons were not there.
"I hope Toothless is rescuing them right now."
Their arms were tied up behind their backs. That man covered in dragon skins was leading them in the room. Hiccup still had no clue who he was .... Until the man finally turned around to where Hiccup could see his face. Hiccup heart stopped, his jaw dropped, and his eyes were felled with anger. The young chief could feel a burning of hate that was consuming his soul... It was the man that Hiccup hated the most, Drago Bludvist.

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