Chapter 5

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Hiccup watched behind the wooden pole. He wasn't able to be seen through the darkness and shadows that the room created. Drago was unaware of Hiccup's presence.
The evil man gave them an ugly, villainous grin
"Welcome to my home.." He said in his deep, scratchy voice.
" I'm sorry that it's a little dark and gloomy, but I think it's a good look."
"Well I guess you could say it fits your personality and you appearance." Astrid said in a rude sarcastic way.
Drago chuckled at her comment.
"Oh I remember you, Hiccup's girlfriend.... Your just as stubborn as the boy.."
Everyone laughed as if it was the funniest joke they had ever heard.
"Nope, sorry dude.. No one is more stubborn then Hiccup!" Snotlout said while laughing his head off.
Drago looked at all of them with an angry looked on his face as he slammed his iron staff on the floor. He smacked it so hard that it shattered into billions of pieces. Everyone stopped laughing at once and looked strait at Drago.
"If any of you make another stupid comment like that again... I swear that I wil-"
"You won't do ANYTHING to us!" Astrid cut him off before he could finish.
"Hiccup will come for us on Toothless and destroy this place... And he will defeat you, just like he did against your bewilderbeast! You can't beat Hiccup, the master dragon trainer! Even with a dragon army!!"
Drago laugh at Astrid.
"Oh, you stupid girl! You think I'm going to try a defeat him with a dragon army! I have no interest in defecting him...."
"What?" Astrid said in a confused tone.
All of them didn't understand what Drago meant. Even Hiccup, who was still hiding, was really confused.
"Oh, how rude of all must be wondering what I plan to do..."
Drago began to pace slowly around the group of Berkians.
"Of course I want to have vengeance on Berk and the boy! But in order for me to do that, I do need a dragon army again. An-"
"And you think that you can control Toothless again?!! Only in your dreams Drago!!!"
Drago stopped where he was a turned around and walked up to Astrid. She saw an evil spark deep in his eyes.
"Who ever said I was planing to control that dragon..."
It toke everyone a second to realize what he meant. Drago wasn't after Toothless...he wanted Hiccup.
"NO! You can't have my son!" Valka shouted at Drago. "He will never help you build a dragon army!!!!"
Drago turned and began to walk to the spell books
"We will see about that now won't we, you old hag!"
Drago grabbed an old, black-covered spell book then he grabbed the staff with a hallow crystal on the top. The man started to mix different herbs and strange materials together, making a dark liquid. Then he poured it into a small vial.
Once Drago finished his experiment, Eret gasped in fright, because he recognized the potion.
"Drago! You swore that you would never create or use that insufferable potion ever again?!"
Eret toke a step back in disgust. Drago turned to face Eret. He didn't look happy to see him.
"Well if it isn't Eret, son of dare you show your face you trader!"
Then he turns his back to the Berkians.
He and started to walk to the wall full of weapons. He was reaching for something but no could see what it was. Hiccup had a bad feeling about it so he tried to get close without being seen.
"Oh Eret, I thought you would serve me. I thought you were a faithful servant but...."
Hiccup saw the Drago was holding as axe and was about to throw it at Eret.
"Oh Thor, I've got to help him!"
Drago looked over his right shoulder, making eye-contact with Eret.
"....I guess I was wrong!" Then in a flash, Drago throw the axe. Hiccup dashed out in front of Eret and blocked the axe with an old shield he found on the ground.
"Hiccup! Thank Thor your ok!" Astrid and everyone else were overjoyed to see him.
"You saved me!" Eret was a little surprised but also full of gratitude.
"No thanks is needed. I'm just glad you all are ok."
Hiccup turned to face Drago with an angry expression on his face. The wicked man had a repulsive smile across his face.
"Well, well....I'm so glad that my special guest has finally arrived!"
Right after Drago said that, Hiccup felts a short sting on the back of his neck. He felt the back of his neck and pulled out a knock-out dart with a little blood on the tip.
Hiccup began to feel dizzy and he was beginning to loose his vision. He knew that he was losing consciousness fast. He tried to walk but his legs gave out and he fell over. Then everything went black.

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