Chapter 2

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"You sure they will find a solution for your problem?" I asked him again for the 100th time. " yes hyung now come" he said confidently. We went inside the temple and the shamans came in front of us. "We know why are you here, no need to say anything" one of them said. "His treatment will start today right now"one of them said who looked like that main shaman. "But I don't believe in spirits" I said .

"There is air, but you can't see it. Spirits are like that also"she said. I don't care as long as it finishes quickly.

"trouble finding a place? Well my name is hoseok. You must be here for the spirit temple." He greeted me like he saw rainbows and unicorns, is he high or something. "Yeah I'm yoongi ." I said back cuz I don't wanna be rude. " so let's go" he guided me to a place to sleep. I wanna sleep.

This place is not that bad. I was admiring the place in the balcony when my eyes fell on a girl...... she was facing her back but something attracted me into her. She just looked very mysterious. I couldn't wait for her to turn

" hello excuse me?" I called her. She turned her back to me and screamed "yes?" She replied back. " nothing " I said and smirked. I went inside my room and *knock knock* who is here at this time. I opened the door and it was her. "What kind of person are you? You called me and didn't even say anything to me!" She was pissed but she looked cute for some reason. "Fine, what do you want?" I asked her and she smiled and said "come to walk around this place with me tmr at 7am." She was not even saying but demanding me.
"but I don't even know you" I said "Y/n, from busan, now you know me." She smiled and went back to her room. "I'm yoongi" I screamed back and went inside my room. This was the first time in 7 years any girl has spoken to me like this.

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