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I've moved on from life and honestly I've been knew that life is shit but I'm still living for her.

I was just using my bike to go back home from the company when I saw bora on the street. I think she needs a ride home.

"Hi bora, need a ride?" She nodded her head.

"Listen you stupid little thing, marry me or else you will suffer." A disgusting man was shouting at a young petite girl. People these days

"But I dont want to marry you!"He was about to raise his hand on her but then his hands were stopped by......bora?

"Listen mister, didn't you hear her? She said she doesn't want to marry then leave her." I never saw bora like that.
"Excuse me miss its better for you if you move out." She twisted his hand to back of his back. I feel like I saw this somewhere.

"Or else what will you do?" She sounded very threatening. "Look miss I'm from a very dangerous family and you wouldn't like to suffer." He said back. I felt like going to her aid but seems like she is handling the situation smartly.

"Well guess what?•
He gulped "w-what?"
"I'm the one who gives them coaching."
He ran away so fast after she said those words

I felt a weight behind me
"Let's go........sweetie."

I've never felt this happy before

The end

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