My new mother.

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Bella's pov.

Time had gone by much to fast. I had just gotten my children, then I got my wonderful mate and life just flew by. We had spent so much time getting to know each other and it was all consuming and just wonderful getting to know my man from within, and not just what the letter told me. I knew of his hopes and dreams. Especially the ones he got after hearing of my life and what I had and could give him, but most importantly to him, what he could give me.
I fell more and more in love with him as each day went by.
I loved how he got along with both dad and the kids. They loved to play with him outside, while dad and I sat together writing or just had some daughter, father time...
It took us a few weeks to be intimate, but I think it made us feel closer to each other and grow our bond tighter together.

But what I knew of today would be more special.
Dad would be getting his happily ever after today. I couldn't wait.
I knew that he would meet her in the meadow he had discovered several months back, it was where he went when he needed time to himself to think.
I had told him earlier when I got up, that he should take a day for himself and go there. That I would hold down the fort so long.
He just laughed and nodded.
I couldn't wait to meet her. But my darn gift told me he wouldn't be home for another 52 hours. I just hope Noah will be okay with that. He was a clingy daddy's boy, but if he knew dad was away to go find his mamma, he would be fine, so that was what I was going to say, when he becomes clingy. He is such a great kid, but damn I didn't know anyone could love dad more than me, but he beet me by several miles, that one......

Charlie's pov.....

I had felt weird these last couple of days. I felt like some part of me was pulling me in another direction and today when Bells said I should take a day to myself, I felt like I really needed it.
If I was going to blow in some way, I didn't want to do it in front of my kids and grand babies.
So first I just ran around, needing to blow of some steam. I think I ran for hours.

As I stopped I noticed I was in my favorite spot. Here was where I fully came to terms with my life, that there was friends that I lost because of our hastily move, but it was also here that I dreamed about meeting my mate.
I had been so lonely since Renee left me and took Bells with her. I never knew how much I loved that kid until she wasn't with me anymore.
And I was pissed at Renee for treating MY BELLS like she was a maid and her housekeeper. Finding that part out, made me want to kill her, but I knew she would suffer hearing that she and even I died and she didn't get a penny. But of course that won't happen for another year or so. But Bells wasn't talking to her anyway, so that part was good, now that our life's had changed so much in just over a year. Damn had it really been that long? Man times fly by.

I can't believe I had the chance at being a dad again. And to a cute as a button baby boy. But he wasn't really a baby anymore. I wish that time would slow down so I could enjoy them more. But sadly they were hybrids to and would grow really fast. But the good part was, that I never had to think about him growing old and dying on me.... Even just the thought made me choke up. I couldn't think about loosing my kids, even my grand kids, it hurt to much.
It felt just like yesterday that they came to us, and I remember when my boy stated to walk, and talk. It was moments I missed with my Bells, so I always felt tears come when it happened.
I remember when he tried to walk, I was in my office and Bells yelled for me to hurry. I almost fell over my own legs, thinking something had happened. But when I came in, I saw my boy looking rather serious and determined, he was looking my way, but hadn't seen me yet. And started to walk towards my office. 5 steps and bam, he was on his butt. He looked like he was about to cry, when he saw me. I was looking at him with pride. He stopped his shivering mouth and a grin made it there. And just like that he started clapping. Man he was just so sweet. My little man. !!

I really hope that my mate will love my family as much as I do, or I would be in big trouble...

I laid down on the grass to think and just relax for a while, knowing Bells would be mad if I came home already.
I really can't say how much time went by, when this wonderful enticing smell came near me.
I jumped up, wanting to find that alluring sent, but was met with a whimper and saw a gorgeous woman jump back and cover near a tree.
Damn.......... Just then my mind went into overdrive, I knew who this beauty was to me now and why she smelled so good.
I also remembered Bella's warning about how I should react and my jumping up didn't help the matter....

I slowly walked towards her, but stopped before I got to close. I didn't want to frighten the poor thing... I felt the need to sit down, so I was smaller.
Sometimes my Police mind got into gear in different situations, and I had been in situations like these several times, both with kids and adults.
Sadly it happened more often than what people thought. And with me not knowing what has happened in her life, I wasn't sure, how to proceed...
I knew I needed to talk slowly and not touch her until she gave permission or till it was absolutely necessary, witch with her being a hybrid would be tough to tell... But she might need me in another way, I really didn't know, and would have to work with the flow, as it came.

So I sat down on the grass, within grasping distance, but still far enough away so she would feel that I meant no harm....
I sat there for about an hour, before she began to move her head to look at me, the poor dear smiled a small smile when she saw me looking at her with a smile on my face. God she's gorgeous.

"Hi sweetheart. Please don't be scared. I won't harm you in any way. Are you alright.?." I asked.

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