Chapter 13

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You by James Arthur, Travis Barker


We woke up and got changed. I put some joggers, a hoddie, and nikes, all black. We all basically wore the same thing.

We went down for breakfast. It was barely our second day. People were still staring and I felt uncomfortable. After breakfast Xander led us to a room.

When we got there there was a woman sitting behind a desk. She has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "Hi, I'm Xelena, the co-leader" she says standing up and extending her hand. We shake her hand and introduce ourselves. "Hi son, where is Xavier?" Xelena asks Xander. "Hey mom, he's out guarding." She nods and focuses on us. Well I guess we just met his mum.

"So I hear you guys escaped from a The Elevated, is that right?" "Yes, after a year of planning" Ethan says. "I'm impressed you guys managed to escape with little ones. Was there any trouble escaping?" "Well, we were climbing up the fence and the doctor came out with... this kid a year older than me. He turned that son of a bitch with his consent into a beast, his experiment. Anyways, the kid followed us and then we finally lost him for a day, then he killed our dad. We fled from the campsite and haven't seen the kid in four days" I explain.

"Very well then. We've been wanting to shut down The Elevated for a long time. Now that we have you guys, we can take them down. You guys know what they are planning and what they have been doing. You guys know your way around." "We are happy to help in any way possible. Our plan was to get your help to shut them down. And yes we know our way around, especially Alex" I say. "Good good. So shall we converse over this?" "Happy to do so" Alex says.

We told her what we knew. We told her about the beasts, how Stellar needed us for something, and how much he needed us that he sent a beast to kill us. We made a blueprint of the place and walked her through it. I told her about Chris and Violet and how they were trying to get more information for us. We told her how much Stellar had us train for turning us into beasts I'm assuming.

"Well that's all we know" Hunter says. "Thank you for your cooperation" Xelena says standing up from her chair. "Yes, one question though. When can we see our mum?" I ask. "When the time is right." "What is it with 'when the time is right' shit!" Ethan low key shouts. "You will understand soon enough" Xelena says. "Um thanks, see you around" Bryan says. We walk out and head to I don't even know where. We are just following Xander. "I'm sick and tired of not knowing anything" I say to Ethan. "You and me both" Ethan replies.

We finally reach a training area. Well I guess we are training. I could really use this to release some stress. We walk to where the weights are and someone walks up to us. "Hey I'm Emma" the girl says. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and about my height. We introduce ourselves and I see Ethan eyeing her. Is that the first thing he does whenever he sees a girl?

I see some people fighting on some mats in the middle of the room and I get excited. I've missed a good one-on-one. I ask Xander if we could do our fights and he says yes. We do a little warm up with the weights and then head to the mats.

We waited for the people on there to get off. I saw them change into a different form, a hybrid. They weren't as small as wolves, they were probably twice the size but they had the looks of them. The guy had brown and red fur with red glowing eyes. The girl had grey and black fur with red glowing eyes. It was so aggressive how they were fighting. One of them finally won and they changed back into their human form. "That was cool" Hunter says. "Hey I'm Malcom" the guy says. "I'm Cameron" the girl says. They looked like they were in their twenties. They both had black hair with brown eyes. We introduce ourselves. Well people here are a lot nicer than The Elevated. People there were all stuck up.

"Who's going first?" Megan says. "I'll go against Hunter" Alex says. They go on and do their little fight. Hunter almost beat Alex but she did a move and pinned him down and won.

"You wanna go?" Xander asks me. I nod and step up on the mats with him. A whole lot of memories start rushing back. From how we were at The Elevated, how Blake and I were fighting, how Blake killed my dad, how I have no clue where my mum is, and all that "when the time is right" crap. I see Xander swing at my face and I duck. I kick him in the stomach and swing at his face but he grabs my fist. He hits me on my side and I hit him in the stomach and go to kick him but he grabs my foot. I twist and land on my knee. God, why am I so mad right now. I felt the bracelet my parents gave me start to burn my skin.

The next thing that happened was all a blur and shock. I heard the sound of bones crunching and I arched my back. I blacked out for a second and when I opened my eyes I saw Xander standing in front of me with his eyes glowing red. What is happening to me. I heard a growl so I turned to my side. I saw Ethan and Megan coming towards me, but while they were, they fell to the ground. I heard bones crunching, they arched their backs, then they turned into hybrids. They both had jet black fur with streaks of red and red glowing eyes. I looked down and I saw the same type of fur on me, I was also hybrid. So that growl was from me. I somehow turned back into my human form and I was still kneeling on the ground. I turned to my siblings and they also turned back to their human form.

"What was that?" I ask Xander who's eyes went back to normal. "You're part of the pack, you're hybrid now." Oh my god why am I so exhausted. I heard murmers behind me, "they must be Andrea's." I heard many people say that. Why are they talking about my mum? I tried getting up but I just fell back down. "Let's get you guys to the room. Help me will you" I heard Xander say. Xander picked me up and I looked over his shoulder. I saw Hunter carrying Megan and Bryan and Alex helping Ethan with Daisy following.

We got to the room and Xander laid me down on my bed. "Why d-" I get cut off. "Get some rest, we'll talk about it later" Xander says. I nod and he covers me with a blanket. I get comfortable and quickly fall asleep.

I woke up around eight, thirty minutes before dinner. I turn to my side and see Ethan and Megan still sleeping. I yawn and rub my eyes while I sit up. I see Ethan stir and slightly open his eyes. He sits up and bangs his head on the top. He curses under his breath and I break out laughing. "Oh shut up will ya" he says rolling his eyes. "Nope" I say laughing. I see him walk up to me and he started tickling me. "No stop it!" I yell squirming around.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep" Megan says under her blanket. Ethan stops and we laugh together. "Oh Megan, come on and get up. It's almost time for dinner" I say uncovering her. "Ugh fine" she says getting up. I fix her hair and put it in a ponytail because it was messy and I do the same to mine.

We head downstairs and get our food. We sit down where the rest of the group is. "Hey you ok?" Alex asks as I sit next to her. "Yeah I'm good, just a bit tired" I say. "Our sleeping beauties have awaken" Hunter says sitting down. "Shut up dude" Ethan says punching his arm.

While we were eating Xavier looked up from his plate, "the leader is coming." We all turn around and I see my mum. "Mum!" Megan says running towards her. Mum engulfs her in a hug and tears up. Ethan and I get up and walk to her. "Hi mum" Ethan and I say as we hug her. "I've missed you guys so much" she says kissing each of our foreheads.

We walk back to the table with her. "So who are your friends?" mum asks. "This is Alex, her sister Daisy, Bryan, and his brother Hunter" Ethan says. They shake my mum's hand and my mum focuses her attention back at us.

"I heard about what happened to your dad, who was it?" mum asks. I hesitate to answer but I do, "Blake." "What?! I thought he left?" "He did but his grandma died and his mum over dosed. He was left alone and so he was at The Elevated" I explain. "He allowed himself to get turned?" I nod. "This kid got it bad" mum says. "We all watched him kill your husband ma'am. I assure you it's not even him anymore" Bryan says. "Please don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. Please call me Andrea." He nods. "Once you finish come to my office" mum says and we nod.

I go back to my food and pick at my food. "Not to intrude, but who's Blake to you guys?" Xander asks. "Ex friend" they all say except for me. It was quiet after and I felt eyes on my. "My ex" I say still picking at my food. Alex rubs my back and I smile at her. I looked at everyone at the table, "he deserves what's coming and we're bringing him hell."

They finally got to see their mom! I'm so excited for the upcoming events! We are more than halfway through the book! As usual song suggestions are accepted! Comment and vote!

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