Chapter 22

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Gasoline by Halsey


I slide my knives and blades into their holster and go to tie my hair up in a ponytail but Xander stops me. He does a quick braid on the side then ties it up. "Thanks" I say quickly pecking his cheek.

We all gather around in a circle and listen to my mum's orders. Fifteen people by each exit, people scattered throughout, Ethan, Megan, Xander, Xavier, mum, and I would go to the lab and destroy everything, and Alex, Daisy, Bryan, and Hunter would go with Chris and Violet and lead them all out as fast as possible.

"Let's get going!" mum yells. We turn into our werewolf forms and start running. Alex on Ethan's back, Daisy on Megan's, Hunter on Xander's, and Bryan on my back. We run as fast as we can and go to our spots. We run in and Alex, Daisy, Bryan, and Hunter go their own way. "Get them and then get out" I tell Bryan. He nods and then leaves. I lead the way to the lab but on our way there doctors and beasts that are fighting against us. Still in our vampire form we swing at them, bite them, whatever to kill them.

Once we reach the lab we turn into our human form. We walk in and throw everything on the floor, breaking glasses, ripping papers, destroying machines. I found Blake's papers and I look at them. Notes on how he had acted once he transformed and all that crap. I didn't dare read anymore. I rip those papers and throw them on the floor. I look all over the lab for a lighter and I finally found one along with gasoline. "Everybody out! Xander help scatter the gasoline." We pour gasoline over everything and we step out and I turn the lighter on and drop it.  Everything starts to go in flames. The reflection of the fire in my eyes grew and it was beautiful. All these horrible things burning in these flames was beautiful.

I hear a low growl and I turn to see what it is. It was Blake. "Leave guys" I turn my head and tell them. "Tasha" mum says sternly but unsure. "Go!" "I'm staying with you" Xander says. I know he won't back down so I nod and the rest leave. I turn back to face the one I loved for many years but betrayed me. "What do you want Blake!" "Just to stop you." "To stop me?! How about Stellar? How about these sick and horrid things that happen inside these walls. How about you from killing the people who loved you?!" I yell with tears coming out. I feel my body starting to burn and I hear Xander in the background. "You killed my father! He loved you! He treated you like his own! Now you'll pay for what you did!" I yell with a loud growl. Before I knew it, I was in my werewolf form. I was on fire but it didn't hurt and my eyes were as red as blood with a mix of my golden color. Blake's fangs come out along with his claws, and yellow eyes. His veins popped out and were black. I charge at Blake and he tries to hold me back but just burns himself. He fights his best but I grabbed him and throw him across the room. I press my paw on his chest and growl, "goodbye Blake." "I still love you and I deserve this" he says before I press my paw through his heart. "Get out of here now Xander!" He hesitates but turns into a werewolf and runs as fast as he can. Tears fall down my face and I remove my paw from Blake but still tower over him. I growl and my growl just goes louder and louder, my skin burning with the fire as it grows, and next thing I know, fire came out of my mouth and body and spread threw the whole building setting it all on fire. The walls around me crumble down, sparks of fire and ash fly around me. Everything falls down around and above me. I look around remembering the very little good memories here and I close my eyes. My father wanted this and now it's done. This mission is complete.


I opened my eyes to see Blake's dead body on the floor beneath me. The whole building was burned down but there was still some fire. I was also still on fire in my werewolf form. I grab Blake's dead body off the ground and carry him to the clearing where the whole pack was. I lay him down and look up at everyone who was still in their vampire or werewolf form. They all bow to me including my mum, uncle, brother, and sister. I could tell Ethan and Megan just bowed down because everyone else was doing it and had no clue what was going on. I am also as clueless as my brother and sister. They all stand back up and my mum walks up next to me. "To our Alpha!" mum yells. "To our Alpha!" the whole pack cheers and howls. "You Natasha, are the most powerful hybrid. This fire that comes from within you is so strong that you portray it not only on the inside but the outside. We all have a fire inside of us but the one who portrays their fire on the outside is so powerful that they become our Alpha, our protector, our savior, our leader, our queen. We all respect and obey you and you only. I knew this would come because once in a hundred year, a half hybrid will become Alpha of their pack. I knew because of your eyes. I didn't want to tell you until you brought out the beast within" mum explains.

"Now what will you like us to do with the body Alpha?" uncle asks. I look down to Blake and all the memories come back. "I want him buried in the middle of where the building was and find a tree seed of a red flower and plant it there." "But Alpha, he was th-" I cut Xavier off. "I want this done and I want it now" I nod at him. They do as they're told. Ethan carrying Blake to the spot.

I change into my human form and walk to Chris and his people. "So Alpha" he says wiggling his eyebrows. "Stop it" I say lightly punching him. "I'm glad you're okay" Alex says. "Me too" I hug her. "So like does it burn?" Hunter asks. "Surprisingly no." "What will we do now?" Bryan asks. "You can choose to stay with the pack or choose to go wherever you want." "I'm staying" Daisy immediately raises her hand and everyone else agrees. "Group hug!" Megan comes running in. We all laugh and get in a group hug. After we finished we all headed back home.

Picture of Natasha at the top! Natasha is Alpha! How exciting! She's honestly a total badass. So at the time as in writing this I bought Halsey tickets a few days ago! I'm so excited to go see her! I got to see her once but it was at poptopia. Now I'm going to her own show! I couldn't get floor tickets unfortunately (crying with my heart breaking) but our seats are pretty darn good. I really hope she does a meet and greet because I'm really trying to meet her. I will go broke for her, no joke. I will literally ball my eyes out if I meet her! And she says she remembers every kids' name she meets! I have hope! But hopefully I meet her because she's my idol and it'd be a dream. Anyways enough of my venting! Song suggestions accepted! Comment and vote!

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