Who knew clubbing can be dangerous?

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                                             Hazal watson

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                                             Hazal watson

I was  sitting awake in my bed. It was still 30 min to 4:00 am. I sigh, its always like this, I always wake up before my alarm goes off precisely since that night, that terrifying night of my life which changed me completely. Sleep always come rare to me but from that night it almost dissapeared like a free ballon which quickly vanish into the endless sky. I know its bad for my health but what can be done, its my life now, haunted by my past demons which are clunged so deep into my soul that even if I try, I can't get them out of me.

I sighed, once again these thoughts, once again these fears, once again this pain, my day always start with the thought of that night, its like my brain and heart keep repeating it infront of me as if by doing it they can change what happened that night, they can heal the deep wound witin my soul but they can't, no one can. The deed is done, the damage is done. To heal, I will have to wait for a magicians who can join together pieces of broken plate with the riddle of words.

My thoughts were disturbed by the ring of my alarm, I switched it off and went to the batroom to freshen up and change into my work clothes not wanting to get late. I believe puntuality is the key and this belief have definetly helped me a lot in my life. I work as a computer engineer, but like other engineer I am not really in love with machines or my computer. I just find operating computers easy and my job offer a good pay, thats why we work, for a good pay, for a good self built life, so that we don't have to depend on other for anything and everything, so thats what I am doing and its working good for me.

I quickly slipped into an oversized colourfull cardigan and white jeans pairing them up with white sneakers. Well I am not really cool and stylish like other engineers as well. I like to keep it simple and I prefer sneakers over heels. I don't get how can some people wear those pinching needles all day, I can't. Comfort comes first and now I am sure, it won't take genius to figure out that I was a nerd in my school days and my college days. I know how to do makeup and dressup courstey of my bff and my books but I don't like it, there is a huge difference between not knowing it and not liking it and a lot of people forget this and start showing off that how much big of a bimbo they are, if you know what I mean.

I locked my apartment and went to my car. As I was settled in the car, the screen of my mobile flashed with a message. I picked my mobile up to check the text and a smile unknowingly formed way to my face as I read the message.

TEXT- Bad morning bitch. I know-I know that your morning is already bad without my wish. Always-sulking-bitch, I know you well. Now get the thought of that shitty night out of your mind and look ahead for your day. Flirt, hook up and enjoy. I know you are a big idiot, its been about 7 years and still you are stuck on that night. If you didn't lifted your mood right now, as your bff, I would love to come there and give you some good punches. Yo bitch.
-your crime partner (presently your motivational speaker)

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