Bff's secrets

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                                              Kanak Olsen

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                                              Kanak Olsen

I woke up with the sound of my annoyning alarm. Uhh, I hate these morning, like really hate them, groning I tried to move but I felt something heavy on my waist so I look down and saw Remo's arm was still wrapped around me, well last night was amazing like fucking amazing just like all the other nights. We both fucked each other brains out. Don't worry our brains didn't actually popped out, I am just trying to add some hyperbole here. By the way we do it everyday, all the time when we are together, there is probably no place in the house right now where we haven't done it. Its not like we are sex addict or something and we would die of twitchiness if we didn't do it, its just our way of spending time with each other. What? Shocked? Disgust? Well, who cares, definetly not me, every one have there ways and this is ours.

I felt a gentle push on my waist and next moment I was face to face with Remo, he was gently smiling down at me, the charming Remo's smile, the smile which once used to make my heart flutter, yes people heart flutter like you can actually feel warmth all over your body just with that one fucking smile but its not the case anymore, why, well I don't the answer as well, I guess no one know or if you know do tell me, so my heart could flutter once again, somewhere its missing being warm, note somewhere, it can be deep, very deep, more deep than the core of earth. I removed that thought from my mind and smiled back at Remo. I tried to make the smile as convincing as I could, these days my smile is mostly fake, I don't know whether someone notice it or not but I think they don't give a fuck. Its easy this way, smiling to stop the bastards seeing the storm which is raffling inside your broken self. I am trying to be serious here guys, no scarsam. Really!

"Morning queen", he said in a soft and low voice then bend down his head to kiss me on the forehead. He then unwrapped his hand from my waist and went to the bathroom. I like the way he call me queen, not princess or muffin or cupcake or something like this. Queen resembles power, authority, respect, love and gentleness. All in short, I prefer it over all the other cheesy nicknames which bf gives. They are just too much chessy to my taste although I wont mind even he will call me a bitch or badass but he prefers queen over all of it and I am good with it, like completely fine.

I let out a lazy yawn and sat on the bed stretching my limbs. Well, I am not at all a morning person at all. Hell I am not even a night person. Who the hell devised the system of only 8 hours sleep per day.....Mmm......probably the fucktard fuckface bastard who deviced the system of eating 3 meals a day. I prefer sleeping 15 hours perday and eating 5 meals per day. There is a very famous quote, I am sure you all know it- "The people who sleeps a lot and eats a lot is likely to be depressed". Well this is no cliche thing in this statement, its really true. I am highly depressed by the fact that I am not depressed at all and my bff is and god knows until when. Aggh! Enough of these depressing talks, it time for some shower fucking. Yippeee!

I was sitting on the kitchen counter writing a quick motivational text to Hazal which I knew wouldn't motivate her but still I have to fucking try, try to get her out of her troma and move on. She was always there for all of us, all the time and now when she is in imense pain, no one except me and Remo is there for her. I wonder where are those people who used to worship their friendship with Hazal. Probably fucking with life, bastards. I sighed, its true no one is permanent in this world, no one. I repeat people, no one!

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