Wedding proposal?

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Calat Malik

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Calat Malik

As I exited my room, I straight away went to my office and slammed the door behind me. What in god's name is wrong with me?! I kissed her! I fucking kissed her! Its not like that I didn't enjoyed it. Her lips were exeptionally soft and her strawberry lip balm was adding a sweet flavour to the kiss. I wanted to ravish her lips the moment I saw her in my shirt, she was looking like a godess. Fuck! She even smell like a goddess, her fragrance was a blend of ripe oranges and lemons, with the flowery and sweet scent of jasmine. It was intoxicating and refresing both at the same time. I loved the kiss but it was wrong! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I need to control these fucking urges! This can't happen again or ever! I don't want to give her any false hope that after all this time something can finally happen between us. Yes, I know that all the years back then she had a huge crush on me and both of us even talked about it and she pretented that she don't having feelings or whatsoever but you know, what they say- "Eyes never lie.", and her eyes were screaming affection. I tried to show her, how cruel of a being I am but she being her innocent and caring self kept on ignoring all of it. So, I waited, I waited for the perfect opportunity to distant herself from me and that night gave it to me. I blamed her for everything and infront of my eyes she completely broke down. Anyone could easily make out from her eyes that how much pain she was feeling. I thought she will get over all of it but she never did and niether any of us. The night and its incident became an inseperable part of our lives. Although unlike all of others I don't mourn about it or let it effect any part of my lifestyle, its just in my unconcious mind which sometime flash in my memories but I easily ignore it. It never effected my life or I can say I never let it effect my life. I am Calat Malik, emotions have very little space in my life. All I care is about me and my family and it will never change.

Hazal is an amazing women and she is a total wife material. She is among those rare species who still believe that one could change a person, that love exists in real world and every cunning person has its own story and we shouldn't judge him. According to me its all bullshit thats why I didn't wanted her in my life and I stayed away from her from the very starting but Kanak destroyed it all and united us four in a friendship group and with the passage of time we all became accustomed to it. Its always Kanak and thats the reason why I am always careful around her. She belongs to those endager species of females who are mastermind in all the basis of human kind. She can run her mind in all the directions, she is good with emotions as well as emptiness. She just like that find out about Hazal and in the hope of uniting us again she even managed to handle everything from Hazal's safety to family. She can be savage as well as caring. In short, she is very dangerous just like Hela, Thor's elder sister, the goddess of death.

I sighed. I want Hazal's work to finish as soon as possible so that I can send her back, I can't handle more of this bullshit and I also need to sort out the mess I created today, she can't get any false hope. She deserve someone who love her or atleast adore her and I only can only have the feeling of lust for her. If she was any other girl, I might have left her to it but I can't do that with Hazal. She is different, I can't deny we did had a bond but love is just too much to give for me.

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