Reuniting with the past

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Hazal Watson

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Hazal Watson

I was in a cave surrounded by nothing but stones, dark black colour stones. The cave was silent, so silent that silence was ringing in my ears. I felt some sort of dark energy hit me and goosebumps rose all over my flesh, suddenly I started feeling cold and my fingertips went numb, I was in cold water, drowning. I tried to move my hands and legs to get out of the water but the water kept pushing me down, water filled my lungs and nostriles and I started choaking to death, I let my arms and legs fall to my side and accepted my fate and suddenly it was all dark once again but I coud still hear my breathing, I tried opening my eyelids but they felt heavy. After a few more tries , I was finally able to open my eyes. I was looking directly at the ceiling but this wasn't the ceiling of my house rather it was of someone else, it was then all the momories hit me. in the

Yes, I was going to the club but I never made it to the club. As the realisation striked me, I quickly sat up, making my head spin with the sudden movement. The first thing I checked was my clothes and luckily all of them were in place except my boots, there were no longer on my legs, I looked around and found them neatly placed beside my bed. Wow, my kidnapper has specially removed my boots to put me to bed and then he has also placed the boots beside my bed. Isn't it weird? Which type of kidnapper do this? Hell, the bigger question is that, why on earth would someone kidnapp me? Me? I have no huge property or inheritance neither I am a daughter or wife of a billioner.

I got up from the bed and went to the only window in the room, as expected the window was locked. As I turned around from the window, a picture frame at the opposite wall caught my attention, maybe its the picture of my kidnapper. I went closer and came face to face with the picture. I watched the picture for few moments and as soon as I recognised the picture, my whole world turn upside down. My head started pounding and blood was rushing through my body at such a rapid pace that I could literally feel it flowing. I clutched my head with my one hand and took the support of wall from the other. Dark memories started to make way back into my head and a memory of that dark night flashed before my eyes.

It was about midnight and the sky was pitch black with no trace of starts or moon. Me, Kanak, Remo, Calat, Kashish and Umaira were walking back from the dreaded scene that took place with all of us some moments ago. All of us were covered in blood and our dresses was ripped at certain places. Kanak's beautiful hair which were thick, glossy, long and shiny moments ago were now short and bushy, because of excessive crying her makeup has all been messed up making her look like annabelle. My dress gown was completely ripped from one of the side and my whole leg was covered in blood. I involuntary touched my face and felt a thick liquid on my face as well which then sticked to my hand, it was blood again, my face was also covered with blood. I never actually realised that blood is so much thick until today when I felt it all over my body. Its mettalic smell was making me sick. The mere feeling of it at any part of your body can make your stomach churn with disguist and the mere sight of it infront of you can torture you to death.

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