Past calling

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Kashish Smith

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Kashish Smith

I glanced down at Hazal who was sleeping peacefully with her head on my lap and well why won't she, the injection that I gave her was very strong, she isn't gonna woke up anytime soon.

I took her sleep as a opportunity to look carefully at her. She is still very beautiful. Her big eyelashes, full lips, short nose and a round face. My hands involuntary went into her hairs, they are still short. Most girls like long hairs but she is obsessed with short hairs and on the contrary Calat like long hairs or maybe prefer. I sighed at the mentioned of his name by my stupid brain. Calat, he is the reason why Hazal is here. He asked me to kidnapp her for god knows what reason! I clenched my fist as I remembered the incident which in turn made me kidnapp Hazal against my wish and no matter how many times I close my eyes and wish it to be a dream, its not, I really did it, I kidnapped her and not just that, I somewhere let her friendship down, 2nd time.

The incident happen two month ago, it was midnight and I was sitting in a 24hrs club, drinking. Drinking away my sorrows. Although I am pretty good at not showing my emotions and always pretend to be a strong guy who has moved on from his dark past but sometimes it get too heavy inside, so I drink. Drink to faze my brain and to remove all the memories of that haunting night from my mind and forget the mess my life is right now but after the drink has washed over and I am sober again then it all hit me, all at once, like a truck and once again I have to put a facade to face the world. So that the world did not get my weakness to use it against me and destroy me.

I was drinking and suddenly I got a text from Calat.

TEXT: Meet me up at my personal office, right now! Its urgent!

As soon as I read the word "urgent", I quickly got up from my seat, paid for my drinks and left the club. Calat said its urgent that means it really is. Being a billionere has its own problems, you have to be alert 24 hours and about sleep, well sleep is a word that didn't exist in our dictionary. Yes me and Calat are billioners and business partner as well, although he handle a majority of business but still. We both keep a very low profile thats why a lot of people don't know us. We always have no media arrangements in our parties and even the parties are private with only very selective business associate and the media is also banned from all our business complexes, all of this was Calat's idea, of cource.

After that night I drowned myself in alcohol and it was Calat that made me come back on the right track. I am whatever I am only because of him. I owe him a lot and there is one more person to whom I owe a lot, Hazal, the angel of our group.

I reached his house and straight away went to his office. As i entered the office, some dark energy hit me. The lights in the room were dim and Calat was sitting behind his desk, his elbows were on the table with his fingers interwined, he seems to be deep in thoughts and power was ozzing with every fibre of his being which also scream that he is not a person to be messed with and he really isn't. He was smart, dangerous and even humourous. Humour, something which every broken person is gifted with but this was about earlier but since that night he has become deadly as well.

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