Helping him

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Hazal Watson

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Hazal Watson

My head was pounding and my eyelids felt heavy. After a moment or two, I was finally able to open my eyes and I found myself staring at the very unfamiliar ceiling of Calat's room. All the events that happened flashed before my eyes and I sighed. I shouldn't have behaved like that, it was really childish, I didn't even let him explain or anything. I sat up on the bed and saw that the whole room was cleaned and the furniture has been resplaced. Wow, how much connections he has to get it all done so quickly. I sighed again and closed my eyes for a while. There is no point of siting here and dreading, I have to face Calat sooner or later. I slipped my legs off the bed and there were slippers for me. I get up from the bed and walked to one of the three doors in the room which I assume is the bathroom. I opened the door and a luxiourous site greeted me. The bath was very huge, the type of bathroom which we see in hollywood movies. I went to the basin and washed my face throughly and glanced at my reflection in the mirror, I was looking tired and I haven't eaten from god knows when. I dried my face with an unused towel and made my way towards the door. As I entered the corridor, I saw stairs so I decided to climb down the stairs and find Calat and Kashish. After a while of roaming around I finally found them sitting on the kitchen counter. Kashish was the one who spot me first and his eyes went a little wide as he look at me, I hung my head feeling ashamed.

Moments passed and then I heard footsteps approaching me and they stopped a few feet away from me, I was still looking at my feets. I was finding them really interested at the moment.

"Hazal", I heard Calat calm and smooth voice but I showed no reaction, I kept looking at my feet as if they are the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. I felt his fingers under my chin and he slowly lifted my face up. Our eyes met and I got lost in his ocean green eyes that held depths deeper than the ocean itself. We were bothing gazing in each other eyes trying to solve the mystery of emotions both of us are feeling. Our stances were broken by an awkward cough, we both quickly snapped and saw Kashish looking at us with almost an embarassed expression.

"You wanna eat something Hazal?", he asked rubbing the back of his neck and I quickly noded my head. I made my way towards the counter and sat down with Calat copying my action. Kashish got up from the stool, wore an apron and started cooking something. I took a deep breathe and turned towards Calat only to find him already staring at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and he only arched his eyebrow in response. The arched eyebrow was perfect, I wonder where he got them done. I mentally slaped myself for thinking all this and went on my business mode.

"So, what help do you want from me?", I asked with a poker face.

"Who are you and what have you done to that violent Hazal?", he asked with a huge smirk on his face. He is still a jerk, somethings never change.

"Maybe I should break some groceries to make you believe I am still that violent bitch you met moments ago.", This is the second time I have cursed since Calat kidnapped me, damn you Calat! I looked back at Calat and he had an unreadanle expression on his face and his next words shocked me.

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