Baby On A Train

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        An Umbrum mare ran swiftly throughout the Crystal Empire, trying her best to reach the train station before it was too late. She carried a small foal in her magic, barely able to be seen in the bundle of blankets she was swaddled in. Neither knew how much trouble they would get in if they were caught by the guards currently pursuing them, but no one wanted to find out.

The train stop was only a few more paces away. If her feet could keep running they would make it. If the train made it before the guards did they would be safe. The Empire would be left behind and they could start a new life, unaffected by their tainted past.

The guards were saying something behind them, but she wasn't listening. All she could focus on was the soft breathing of her child and the future for them both. They were nearly there, anyways. The only way this plan could be thwarted would be from pure chance, but she had accounted for the chance. The foal murmured and turned over in the magic it was held in.

"Just a little further, sweetheart. Hold on just a little bit longer--" The mare tripped over a rock in the middle of her attempt to comfort her child. There was no way this was happening. This was their only way of escape. If only-- yes! The train had approached the stop, slowly letting the ponies on board off of the vehicle. This was perfect. This was what they needed.

The guards were quickly approaching, but the train had approached faster. As the ponies grabbed hold of the Umbrum, she quickly ushered the foal into the train car with her magic, a goodbye falling from her lips as the doors closed and she was finally apprehended.

As the foal rested in her bundle of blankets, she couldn't quite comprehend what had happened, but she knew it wasn't good. What was good was the Unicorn who had boarded soon after the foal was placed on the train. She was walking to her train car when she noticed the small Umbrum.

"Oh... sweetheart what happened? Why are you..." The Unicorn thought back to what she had witnessed while boarding: a (what she thought was a Crystal Pony) mare being suddenly surrounded while levitating the foal into the train. "Come here, honey," The Unicorn took the foal in her magic, studying her closely.

As any pony would have thought, she looked like any other child fur and mane-wise: a peach coat and dark red, straight hair and tail. Her eyes had (strangely) already opened (how old was this foal?). They were bright green. What was strange about her appearance was her horn. It was the same colour as her coat except for the red gradient that faded from the tip to base. Not only that, but the horn was curved. The Unicorn gasped slightly as she realized that this was an Umbrum foal.

Thankfully there were no other passengers on board where they could have seen the Empire escapee. "Don't worry, hon. I'll take you with me to Ponyville. You'll be safe there," The mare held the foal for the rest of the ride to Ponyville, wondering how she'll raise a child without any experience in motherhood. Well, she thought, at least this little girl will be accepted. With the Princesses and such it shouldn't seem much different than any other family existing.

The two fell asleep in the seat, a new life not far away.

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