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        "What in Equestria is this?" Sunbeam loudly asked. The white Unicorn was holding a letter with her bright blue magic, her long hair drooping toward the ground in her tall throne.

"What's what?" Sombre responded. The grey Unicorn approached her cousin, taking a look at the letter she was currently glaring at. It was a message from the Crystal Empire talking about negotiating the banishment of one of their citizens. "Aww, how cute!" Sombre teased, her curly blue mane bouncing with her words. "Seems like Princess Mirror Shard can't keep her own kingdom under control!"

The Unicorns laughed, not hearing the steps of one of their guards enter the throne room.

"Excuse me, your Majesties?" He began, bowing slightly in a greeting.

"What?" Sunbeam demanded. Her gaze went from entertained to serious in a flash.

"As I assume you have read the letter, the leaders from the Crystal Empire have arrived to talk about the terms regarding their newly exiled subject," The guard opened the doors to the throne room before either Princess could argue.

Sombre's jaw was nearly on the floor when she saw who was leading the Alicorn and Zebra behind her.

A peach coat. Dark red, straight mane and tail. A bent horn with red at the tip. Green eyes. This was not the Princess that Sombre and Sunbeam were introduced to when they first began their rule.

"YOU!" The grey Unicorn flew to her feet, glaring murderously at the Umbrum mare.

"Hello, Sombre, Sunbeam. It's been a while since I've seen you both," Grenadine smirked. She stopped in front of the Princesses of Equestria, stance confident. "I'm assuming you know why I'm here."

A Crystal Guard escorted a pink Unicorn into the throne room. She was guarded at all angles and kept a safe distance away from Grenadine. Her mane was a mess, her eyes devilishly squinted as the glared at every pony of authority in the room.

"She cursed out Empress, causing her to nearly destroy the lives of herself and her mother," Mirror Glaze announced. She had taken a couple of steps forward to match the stance of Grenadine. "We were hoping we could place her in Ponyville. If she does not behave, you reserve the right to imprison her."

Sombre and Sunbeam shared a look. As Princesses of the Night and Day, all they had been responsible for were ceremonies, raising the Moon and Sun, and the occasional legal issue. Sunbeam shrugged and Sombre sighed. She shuffled in her seat before giving an answer to the three royals in front of her.

"Fine. Yes, you can keep her in Ponyville," The Zebra finally made some noise, smiling at the Princess and... Empress? Who uses two titles? In front of him. He said something too quiet for Sombre to hear, no matter how much she tilted her ears forward. "There should be an empty house right where..." The Princess of the Night smirked deviously. "Right where Golden Rays used to live! You used to live there as well, correct?" Sunbeam suppressed a laugh.

"I did," Grenadine replied with a straight face. Mirror and the blue Zebra looked at her, confused as to where she was going. "But now I live in the Crystal Empire in the palace with my soon-to-be wife and husband," Mirror's eyes were bursting out of her head as she tried holding in the largest of laughs. Grenadine kept talking. "The housing should suffice. We'll show the subject to her new home. Thank you for cooperating with us, Princesses."

As Grenadine, Mirror, and the blue Zebra left the castle, Sombre couldn't help but stare, confused. The Umbrum from her past, who had gotten in trouble with her magic time after time, was now ruling the Crystal Empire with not one, but two partners. Another guard entered the throne room, jolting Sombre from her confused daze back to her royal duties.

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