Yes This Is My Real Horn Please Stop Touching It

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        "There are so many flyers," Snow observed as he, his friend, and his friend's mother walked around the empire.

"You'd think that a kingdom that's thousands of years old that there would be more historical landmarks, not pieces of paper stapled to every house," Grenadine remarked.

The three had been walking for a few minutes, and each had seen at least three flyers about auditioning to be the Lost Royal in front of Princess Mirror Glaze. Some of the flyers were dated for a few months ago, others for this afternoon. Currently, Grenadine and her mother and friend were on their way to a signup table directly outside of the castle.

"Come one, come all! Try your hand at showing off your talent and claiming your title of the Lost Royal of the Crystal Empire! Today's auditions begin at noon, where Princess Mirror Glaze will judge your worthiness based off of a single spell! You know the one!" Grenadine was astonished to see that the pony leading the signup sheet was none other than the stallion that had been on the train.

"You again?" Goldie called out. The stallion turned to look at the yellow Unicorn, huffing out a semblance of a laugh.

"I am glad to see you, darling!" The stallion ignored Goldie in favour of Grenadine and her appearance. "I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one who finally ends these tiresome auditions. I'm getting sick of coming back here every week to host these things. I'm missing the husband back home, ya know?"

Suddenly, a crowd of Umbrums filed in line behind Grenadine, all of them talking excitedly among themselves about what trick they were going to perform. Grenadine quickly signed up to audition at noon, leaving the unnamed stallion to fend for himself while the glamoured Unicorns each signed up.

"I hope he gets back home safe after you nail this!" Snow exclaimed. Grenadine smiled awkwardly as she led her mother and friend to a nearby bench, unsure of how this "audition" would play out. What spell?

"Yeah, sounds great."

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The stallion from the train called out. Somehow he had moved an entire stage in front of the Crystal Heart, placed speakers on either side and sat a large chair in the centre of the said stage in about an hour.

"Ooh, Grenadine!" Goldie quickly stood up and tapped her daughter on her shoulder. "It's time to get ready! You need to get ready to audition!"

How the three ponies had gone from seriously talking about Grenadine's future to happily routing for her in a talent show, Grenadine had no idea.

"I have sorted your names in alphabetical order, so please make sure to listen for when I call you! The princess will not wait for you to start!"

As if on cue-- which was extremely likely-- Princess Mirror Glaze emerged from somewhere behind the stage, walked up and sat in her throne.

Snow and Grenadine shared a look and then looked at the princess in awe. She was an Alicorn with a pale, strawberry blonde coat and golden shoes on her hooves. Her wings were faded pink at the ends of her feathers. Mirror Glaze's hair was a fluffy magenta, with a yellow streak in it matched with a light pink one. Her mane was tied into a large, messy bun, placed at the top of her head. Her Cutie Mark was a pink heart with hot pink icing drizzled on top.

"Welcome, everyone, to this week's auditions to be the Lost Royal!" Mirror Glaze announced loudly. Her voice was happy, but her expression didn't match. Mirror's teal eyes were tired, lazily drifting around the crowd to see who would be performing today. "I'm your Princess, Mirror Glaze. Please, would the first--"

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