I Lied About The Dark Magic Thing Because I'm In Love, Mom

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        Grenadine lied.

"Okay, now use the spell!"

A blast of bubbling purple and green magic, a shout, and then crystals. Grenadine was getting her Dark Crystal Magic under control with the help of Snow Spellcaster. Nana was none the wiser, and neither was Golden Rays. The two had been practising in a section of the forest that was much more isolated than the cave where Snow and his grandmother lived.

"Perfect!" Snow called, unable to move due to the bunches of crystals at his feet. "You can do it on command. Hopefully, you can keep yourself from doing it when you're angry. We'll practise again tomorrow, alright?"

Grenadine smiled and nodded. "Sounds great! I need to get back anyways. Mom thinks I'm out studying with you at a library or something."

"I mean, technically we are studying, right?" Snow asked, fishing a bottle from his saddlebag and pouring the potion inside it on the crystals, shaking his feet and breaking free. "We're studying how to get your magic under control. I think that counts as telling the truth."

The two laughed and began to walk back to Snow's cave-home, chatting about their dumb homework assignments as they went.

It had been a couple of days since the "heir to the throne" conversation with Ms G, and already Grenadine was getting her Dark Crystal Magic under control. She was a quick learner, Snow had realized. By their fourth or fifth attempt at getting her magic under control, it was as if it was never a problem, to begin with. Her temper, on the other hand, was still an issue.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Grenadine asked when they reached the cave opening.

"I'll walk you to school like always, m'lady."

A laugh was shared once more, and the two bid goodbye. They had gotten close in the days they had known each other. Sure, it was only a few days, but it was a few days where nearly every hour was shared. If she was being honest with herself, Grenadine admitted that she could see herself with Snow in a romantic sort of way.

"You're home! Oh, good. I wasn't sure what you would want for dinner so I decided to lay out some options and ask you when you got home," Goldie called from the front door. "Also, we need to talk."

Grenadine was taken aback. Need to talk? She shook her head to clear her mind of worrisome thoughts and entered the familiar home. There was a list on the fridge of different meals. "I think spaghetti would be good, tonight. Uh, what do we need to talk about?"

"This." Goldie pulled out the book that Ms G had first shown the young Umbrum. "I know your teacher showed this to you. You haven't mentioned it to me once, and I'm worried you didn't take her words to heart. Do you know what your being a princess means to the rest of us?"

Grenadine wrinkled her nose and squinted her eyes. "What it means to you?" She repeated. "Am I wrong in thinking I'm the only Umbrum here? Ms G said that I need to take the throne back for my kind. Not anyone else."

Golden Rays sighed and took a seat, pulling out a chair with her magic and gesturing for her daughter to do the same. "I know. I apologize. It shouldn't be up to myself and your teacher about whether or not you take up this offer," Grenadine nodded in affirmation of the statement. "But this is big. There hasn't been a proper Umbrum leader in years, hon. Princess Mirror Glaze is a wonderful empress, but she's not the rightful ruler. You are."

Grenadine rolled her eyes and sighed. Goldie had a point. The mare could deny the request and simply continue living her life, caring for no one more than herself or she could take her rightful place as Empress of the Crystal Empire. The latter did sound much more exciting.

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