I Got Caught Doing Dark Magic And I Was Like Forget That

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        Later in life Grenadine might understand why she had lashed out like that, but right now she was more concerned with the fact that she had just earned her Cutie Mark after nearly killing someone.

"We've contacted your mother," Principal Hoofington claimed as he sat down across from the young filly. "She should be here shortly. In the meantime, could you tell me where you learned magic like that?"

Grenadine was looking around the office at all the plaques and alumni posters that belonged to the dull, grey stallion that ruled the school. "Um," she began. How was Grenadine supposed to admit that she had been studying dark magic right under her adopted mother's nose? "I guess I was just curious and wanted to learn more than the default spells all Unicorns learn?"

Hoofington had an unimpressed look on his face. He wasn't buying it. "So you just happened to acquire the knowledge of Dark Crystal Magic that only the Umbrum Sombra has ever used properly?" He prodded. It was widely known that the Crystal Empire had been attacked with dark crystals, nearly killing all those who lived there. This was suspicious and Grenadine needed an out.

"Grenadine? Sweetheart?" A familiar voice called. Bingo. Golden Rays quickly entered the office where the principal and her adopted daughter were sitting, creating buffer time for the young girl to figure out what she needed to say to get out of here unscathed.

"Missus Rays-"

"Just call me Golden, please."

"Miss Golden," Hoofington began his rant about how Grenadine nearly killed two students- the princesses- with Dark Crystal Magic. Something no one should ever come in contact with. Not only that, Grenadine had earned her Cutie Mark after performing the spell on accident.

"Goodness," Goldie whispered. She looked at the peach Umbrum and sighed. This wasn't how her life was supposed to unfold. Grenadine had lost her parents because they didn't want her to grow up somewhere she would be feared. "Well, this may come as a surprise, but many children don't earn Cutie Marks by simply lifting a book off of the ground. Grenadine may have done some unconditional magic in order to earn it, but she didn't hurt anyone," Goldie stopped and let Principal Hoofington gasp before she continued. "Are the princesses still alive and well?"

Hoofington nodded.

"Then I don't see much that needs to be done."

Grenadine smiled widely as she watched the event unfold before her eyes. Not only was her mother standing up for her, but the principal was unable to disagree. Sure, Grenadine hadn't studied the safest magic, but no one was hurt when she studied the darker spells, so who's to say they're really that bad?

Grenadine had zoned out long enough to completely block out the conversation her guardian was having with the principal, and only came back to reality when Golden Rays nudged the filly with her arm and said, "Let's go home."

Goldie had only just closed the door before she began to speak. "Grenadine, where did you learn that magic?"

The Umbrum looked at the yellow Unicorn and shuffled her hooves on the ground. Darn, she didn't account for her mother asking about her magic as well. "The library?" She suggested. It wasn't a total lie.

"The library?" Goldie repeated with a disbelieving tone. "I'm pretty sure ponies don't just let children check out a book with forbidden magic in it on the regular."

Grenadine sighed and went to her room. She got the book of spells from under her bed and showed it to her guardian. "I got it from the library. I didn't do it like with most books, though. The library mare was really difficult to convince."

Goldie gasped as she took the book from her child. Flipping through the pages, she saw all sorts of magic, including the kind with crystals. The kind Grenadine used. The yellow mare sighed and decided it was time the filly learned why Sombra was terrible. Not the regular history lessons, but the pony folktales that demonize Umbrums.

"You know, hon," Goldie began. "King Sombra was very powerful, and that on its own was quite good. He had a wonderful lady friend and everyone loved him," There was a pause. "However magic soon would be his downfall.

"Sombra was kind to his people but sought after more power than he already possessed. He figured that if he was more magical, he could do more for the Empire. He was wrong, though. The further he fell into the pit of magic, the darker the spells became and the harder it would be for him to shake off the addiction to power.

"In the end, Sombra was so obsessed with magic that he was no longer the same Sombra. His partner left him, his people were terrified of what he had become, and he was simply a husk of his former self."

Grenadine's mouth was hanging open with awe. This is why Sombra was hated? Because he used too much magic? The Dark Crystal Magic was that big of a deal that it's associated with one of the worst leaders in all of Equestrian history?

"Grenadine," Goldie looked directly into the eyes of her child. "I know you just earned your Cutie Mark. I know that, and I also know that this means you'll want to learn more magic, but your people have a history of going too deep into the rabbit hole. I need you to promise me you won't study any more dark magic. Do you understand?"

The statement of "I need you to promise you won't end up like him" went unspoken.

Grenadine nodded her head. She knew her mother was too scared to handle the fact that her daughter had memorized every spell in that book.

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